Victor Herbert - Cello Concerto No.1, 2
Victor August Herbert (February 1, 1859 – May 26, 1924) was an American composer, cellist and conductor of English and Irish ancestry and German training. Although Herbert enjoyed important careers as a cello soloist and conductor, he is best known for composing many successful operettas that premiered on Broadway from the 1890s to World War I. He was also prominent among the Tin Pan Alley composers and was later a founder of the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP). A prolific composer, Herbert produced two operas, a cantata, 43 operettas, incidental music to 10 plays, 31 compositions for orchestra, nine band compositions, nine cello compositions, five violin compositions with piano or orchestra, 22 piano compositions and numerous songs, choral compositions and orchestrations of works by other composers, among other music.
Cello Concerto No.1 in D major Op.8
1. Allegro con spirito
2. Andante-Scherzo: Vivace-Andante
3. Finale: Allegro
Lynn Harrell Violoncello
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Sir Neville Marriner Conductor
Rec.: 1986 St. Barnabas Church London
Cello Concerto No.2 in E minor Op.30
1. Allegro impertuoso
2. Lento - Andante tranquillo
Lynn Harrell Violoncello
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Sir Neville Marriner Conductor
Although Herbert enjoyed important careers as a cello soloist and conductor, he is best known for composing many successful operettas that premiered on Broadway from the 1890s to World War I. He was also prominent among the tin pan alley composers and was later a founder of the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP). A prolific composer, Herbert produced two operas, a cantata, 43 operettas, incidental music to 10 plays, 31 compositions for orchestra, nine band compositions, nine cello compositions, five violin compositions with piano or orchestra, 22 piano compositions and numerous songs, choral compositions and orchestrations of works by other composers, among other music.
In the early 1880s, Herbert began a career as a cellist in Vienna, Austria, and Stuttgart, Germany, during which he began to compose orchestral music. Herbert and his opera singer wife, Therese Förster, moved to the U.S. in 1886 when both were engaged by the Metropolitan Opera. In the U.S., Herbert continued his performing career, while also teaching at the National Conservatory of Music, conducting and composing. His most notable instrumental compositions were his Cello Concerto No. 2 in E minor, Op. 30 (1894), which entered the standard repertoire,[1] and his Auditorium Festival March (1901). He led the Pittsburgh Symphony from 1898 to 1904 and then founded the Victor Herbert Orchestra, which he conducted throughout the rest of his life.
Herbert began to compose operettas in 1894, producing several successes, including The Serenade (1897) and The Fortune Teller (1898). Some of the operettas that he wrote after the turn of the 20th century were even more successful: Babes in Toyland (1903), Mlle. Modiste (1905), The Red Mill (1906), Naughty Marietta (1910), Sweethearts (1913) and Eileen (1917). After World War I, with the change of popular musical tastes, Herbert began to compose musicals and contributed music to other composers' shows. While some of these were well-received, he never again achieved the level of success that he had enjoyed with his most popular operettas.
Death and legacy
A healthy man throughout his life, Herbert died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 65 on 26 May 1924 shortly after his final show, The Dream Girl, began its pre-Broadway run in New Haven, Connecticut.[23] He was survived by his wife and two children, Ella Victoria Herbert Bartlett and Clifford Victor Herbert.[24][25] He was entombed in Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx, New York City.[26]
Herbert and his music are celebrated in the 1939 film The Great Victor Herbert, where he was portrayed by Walter Connolly and which also featured Mary Martin.[27] He was also portrayed by Paul Maxey in the 1946 film Till the Clouds Roll By. Many of Herbert's own works were made into films, and his music has been used in numerous films and television shows. A Chicago elementary school is named for him.
[영어위키백과 발췌]
허버트는 작곡가와 첼로 연주자(각각 막스 자이프리츠와 베른하르트 코스만에게 배움)로서 독일에서 활동했다. 1886년 훗날 메트로폴리탄 오페라의 프리마 돈나가 된 아내 테레제 푀르스터와 함께 미국으로 건너갔다. 그는 메트로폴리탄 오케스트라에서 연주했으며 안톤 자이들과 테오도르 토머스 밑에서 활동했다. 낭만적이고 선율적이었던 그의 초기 작품들은 뉴욕 필하모닉 소사이어티에 의해 연주되었으며 자신이 작곡한 2곡의 첼로 협주곡에서 독주를 맡았다.
미국에서 화려한 오페레타 작곡가·지휘자로서 명성을 얻었다. 1893년 유명한 22연대 군악대의 지휘권을 맡았으며(그 이전에는 길모어가 지휘자로 있었음) 1898~1904년 피츠버그 심포니 오케스트라를 지휘했고 1904년 마침내 자신의 관현악단을 조직했다. 또한 1909년까지 작가나 작곡가들에게 유리한 저작권법의 입법을 위한 투쟁을 이끌었으며 1914년 미국의 작곡가·작가·출판인협회(ASCAP)의 발족을 도왔다.
그의 첫번째 오페레타는 〈아나니아스 왕자 Prince Ananias〉(1894)였으며 그후 40편 이상의 오페레타를 작곡했다. 그중 걸작으로 꼽히는 것으로는 〈세레나데 The Serenade〉(1897)·〈점쟁이 The Fortune Teller〉
(1898)·〈장난감 나라의 아기들 Babes in Toyland〉(1903)·〈내성적인 아가씨 Mlle. Modiste〉(1905)·〈빨간 풍차 The Red Mill〉(1906)·〈말괄량이 마리에타 Naughty Marietta〉(1910)·〈연인들 Sweethearts〉(1913)·〈비길 데 없는 아가씨 The only Girl〉(1914)·〈아일린 Eileen〉(1917, 초연 당시에는 〈에린의 마음 Hearts of Erin〉) 등이 있다.
그의 오페레타들은 화려한 관현악 반주가 붙었다. 2편의 그랑 오페라 〈나토마 Natoma〉(1911)·〈마들렌 Madeleine〉(1914)과 영화 〈한 국가의 몰락 The Fall of a Nation〉(1916)을 위한 음악도 작곡했는데, 이중 〈한 국가의 몰락〉은 영화를 위해 작곡된 최초의 관현악 작품으로 여겨진다. 말년에 레뷰도 작곡했는데 그 가운데 〈지그펠드 풍자극 Ziegfeld Follies〉이 유명하다.[다음백과]