♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/ *작 품

Mozart - Horn Quintet in E flat major, K 407

Bawoo 2018. 4. 28. 21:53



 Horn Quintet in E flat major, K 407

1 Allegro
2 Andante
3 Rondo - Allegro

Corey Klein, horn
The Old City String Quartet

"The Horn Quintet K. 407 is more of a concerto 'en miniature' than a chamber work. Remarkably, the string quartet contains not two violins but two violas, and functions principally as an accompaniment, whilst the horn provides the distinctive colouring. The two outer movements, like most of Mozart's music for Leutgeb, are humorous in character, particularly the rondo finale, which opens with a jovial fanfare theme. As in the horn concertos the limited possibilities of the natural horn are exploited wittily and skilfully; even cadenzas are provided for. In contrast to the outer movements, the Andante has a lyrical, cantabile quality. The violin becomes independent and performs a duet with the horn." - Alfred Beaujean (trans. Joanne Poole)