♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/ [광시,변주,서곡] 128

César Franck - "Symphonic Variations"

César Franck (10 December 1822 – 8 November 1890) was a composer, pianist, organist, and music teacher who worked in Paris during his adult life. "Symphonic Variations" Piano: Darlene Cusick Conducted by Salvador Brotons Vancouver Symphony Orchestra 프랑크의 "교향적 변주곡"은 피아노와 관현악을 위한 교향곡풍, 나아가서는 협주곡풍의 변주곡이다. 1885년 여름부터 그해 말에 걸쳐서 작곡 되었고 1886년 5월 1일 파리(국민 음악협회 )에서 루이 디에메의 피아노와 프랑크 자신의 지휘로 초연 되었다. 프랑크는 이..

Sergey Taneyev - Overture "Oresteia", Op. 6 (1889)

Sergey Ivanovich Taneyev [25 November [O.S. 13 November] 1856 – June 19 [O.S. June 6] 1915) was a Russian composer, pianist, teacher of composition, music theorist and author. 대위법을 구사한 20세기 러시아의 주요작곡가이다. 차이코프스키에게 작곡을 배웠고 니콜라이 루빈스타인에게 피아노를 배웠다. 1878년부터 피아니스트로서의 활동을 잠시 멈추고 모스크바 음악원에서 교편을 잡았고, 1885~89년 차이코프스키의 뒤를 이어 이곳의 원장이 되었다. 1905년 20년 만에 엄격 대위법에 관한 논서 2권을 완성했다. 작품으로는 오페라 3부작 〈오레스테야 Oresteia〉(18..

Friedrich Kalkbrenner — 5 Variations on Chopin’s Mazurka in B-Flat Major (Op.120)

Friedrich Kalkbrenner Friedrich Wilhelm Michael Kalkbrenner (2–8 November 1785 – 10 June 1849), also known as Frédéric Kalkbrenner, was a pianist, composer, piano teacher and piano manufacturer. German by birth, Kalkbrenner studied at the Conservatoire de Paris, starting at a young age and eventually settled in Paris, where he lived until his death in 1849. Kalkbrenner composed more than 200 pia..

Benjamin Godard: Introduction and Allegro, Op.49

Benjamin Godard, c. 1880, Bibliothèque nationale de France Benjamin Louis Paul Godard (18 August 1849 – 10 January 1895) was a French violinist and Romantic-era composer of Jewish extraction.[1] Godard composed eight operas, five symphonies, two piano and two violin concertos, string quartets, sonatas for violin and piano, piano pieces and etudes, and more than a hundred songs. He is best known ..

Joseph Holbrooke – Auld Lang Syne Variations Op.60 (1906)

Joseph Holbrooke by E.O. Hoppé, 1913 (5 July 1878 – 5 August 1958) was an English composer, conductor, and pianist. Auld Lang Syne Variations Op.60 (1906) Portraits for Orchestra on a Scots Theme Theme [00:00​] Var. 1 – J.H. (Joseph Holbrooke) [00:53​] Var. 2 – F.B. (Frank Bridge) [01:51​] Var. 3 – A.B. (Arnold Bax) [02:23​] Var. 4 – C.T. (Samuel Coleridge-Taylor) [02:36​] Var. 5 – V.W./W.W (Wil..

George Enescu : Romanian Rhapsody No. 1, 2. Op. 11 (1901)

George Enescu in 1930 (19 August [O.S. 7 August] 1881 – 4 May 1955), known in France as Georges Enesco, was a Romanian musician. Enescu is regarded as one of the greatest musicians in Romanian history; he was a composer, violinist, pianist, conductor, and teacher.[1] He is featured on the Romanian five lei. Two Romanian Rhapsodies for orchestra Op. 11 (1901) Performed by Orchestre Philharmonique..

Cipriani Potter - The Tempest Ouverture (1837)

Cipriani Potter (1792-1871/ 정조16년-고종8년,79세) was a British composer, pianist and educator. After an early career as a performer and composer, he was an early member of the staff of the Royal Academy of Music in London, and became its principal in 1832, remaining in the post until 1859. The Tempest Ouverture (1837) Picture: William Hogarth - The Tempest c. 1735. Orchestra: Ulster Orchestra Conduct..

Jan van Gilse - Variations on Saint Nicholas Song

Jan van Gilse (Rotterdam, 11 May 1881 – Oegstgeest, 8 September 1944) was a Dutch composer and conductor. Among his works are five symphonies and the Dutch-language opera Thijl. Variations on Saint Nicholas Song= 니콜라오(Nicholaus) 6일. 4세기에 소아시아 리키아 미라에서 활동한, 동방과 서방 교회 모두가 추도하는 유명한 성인. (영). Saint Nicholas. Nicholas of Bari, Nicholas of Myra, Santa Claus라고도 함. | 전통적으로 성탄절과 연관된다. 그러나 그가 실제로 존재했는지는 어떤..