♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/[1820년 ~1839년] 65

[스웨덴]Oscar Fredrik Bernadotte Byström

Oscar Fredrik Bernadotte Byström (13 October 1821 – 22 July 1909) was a Swedish composer and scholar. Born in Stockholm into the family of a military officer, he followed his father in a military career and rose to the rank of captain by 1857. However, already in the 1840s he gained recognition as both a pianist and song composer, and by late 1850 Byström was active as a teacher. In 1866 he was ..

[독일-지휘자]한스 폰 뷜로(Hans Guido Freiherr von Bülow)

한스 폰 뷜로 1830년 1월 8일 ~ 1894년 2월 12일)는 독일 낭만주의 시대의 지휘자, 피아니스트, 작곡가이다. 가장 유명한 19세기 지휘자 중 한명이며, 그의 활동이 리하르트 바그너 등 당시의 주요 작곡가가 성공하는데 큰 몫을 했다. 클라라 슈만의 아버지 프리드리히 비크에게 피아노를 사사했으나 양친의 희망으로 라이프치히 대학에서 법률을 공부했다. 1857년 프란츠 리스트의 딸 코지마와 결혼했지만 1869년에 이혼했고 코지마는 리하르트 바그너의 후처가 됐다. 주요 초연 지휘 바그너 - 트리스탄과 이졸데 - 뮌헨, 1865년 6월 10일 바그너 - 뉘른베르크의 명가수 - 뮌헨, 1868년 6월 21일 작품[편집] Arabesques on Themes of Verdi's Rigoletto, Op. ..

[오스트리아 제국 내 폴란드- 리스트의 제자]Albert Franz Doppler

Albert Franz Doppler Franz Doppler, 1853 Franz and Karl Doppler Albert Franz Doppler (16 October 1821 – 27 July 1883), was a flute virtuoso and a composer best known for his flute music. He also wrote one German and several Hungarian operas for Budapest, all produced with great success. His ballet music was popular during his lifetime. Doppler was born in Poland in Lemberg (A..

[독일- 슈만의 제자, 브람스의 친구]Albert Hermann Dietrich 

Albert Hermann Dietrich (28 August 1829 – 20 November 1908), was a German composer and conductor, remembered less for his own achievements than for his friendship with Johannes Brahms. Dietrich was born at Golk, near Meissen. From 1851 he studied composition with Robert Schumann in Düsseldorf, where in October 1853 he first met Brahms and collaborated with Schumann and Bra..