♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/[1820년 ~1839년] 65

[항가리-바이올리니스트, 브람스 절친]Joseph Joachim

Joseph Joachim (28 June 1831 – 15 August 1907) Hungarian violinist, conductor, composer and teacher. A close collaborator of Johannes Brahms, he is widely regarded as one of the most significant violinists of the 19th century. 헝가리의 바이올린 연주자 장인다운 기교를 가졌고 바흐·모차르트·베토벤의 해석에 뛰어났다. 부다페스트..

[독일- 리스트의 딸 코지마의 첫남편]Hans von Bülow

Hans von Bülow (January 8, 1830 – February 12, 1894) was a German conductor, virtuoso pianist, and composer of the Romantic era. One of the most famous conductors of the 19th century, his activity was critical for establishing the successes of several major composers of the time, especially Richard Wagner and Johannes Brahms. Alongside Carl Tausig, Bülow was per..

[독일-빅토리아 여왕의 피아니스트]Jacques Blumenthal

Jacques Blumenthal (4 October 1829 – 17 May 1908) was a German pianist and composer. Born in Hamburg, he began his musical studies at an early age, receiving instruction from Friedrich Wilhelm Grund, Carl Maria von Bocklet, and Simon Sechter. In 1846 he entered the Conservatoire de Paris, where he studied the piano under the tutelage of Henri Herz and Fromental Halév..