♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/[1820년 ~1839년] 65

[오스트리아-요한스트라우스 1세의 아들]Josef Strauss

Josef Strauss (20 August 1827 – 22 July 1870) was an Austrian composer. He was born in Vienna, the son of Johann Strauss I and Maria Anna Streim, and brother of Johann Strauss II and Eduard Strauss. His father wanted him to choose a career in the Austrian Habsburg military. He studied music with Franz Dolleschal and learned to play the violin with Franz Anton Ries. He re..

[오스트리아]Johann Strauss II[요한 슈트라우스 2세]

Johann Strauss II Johann Strauss II (October 25, 1825 – June 3, 1899), also known as Johann Strauss Jr., the Younger, the Son (German: Sohn), Johann Baptist Strauss, was an Austrian composer of light music, particularly dance music and operettas. He composed over 500 waltzes, polkas, quadrilles, and other types of dance music, as well as several operettas and a ballet. In..

[이탈리아,더블베이스의 파가니니]Giovanni Bottesini

Giovanni Bottesini (22 December 1821 – 7 July 1889), was an Italian Romantic composer, conductor, and a double bass virtuoso 더블베이스의 뛰어난 연주와 더불어 더블베이스 기법에 대한 공헌으로 유명하다. 기초 음악훈련은 유년시절에 작곡가이자 클라리넷 연주자였던 아버지에게 받았다. 1835년 밀라노 음악원에 ..