♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/[1860년 ~1880년] 116

[독일 - 리스트의 제자]Emil von Sauer[에밀 폰 자우어]- Piano Concerto No. 1, 2

Emil von Sauer (1902) (8 October 1862 – 27 April 1942)[1] was a German composer, pianist, score editor, and music (piano) teacher. He was a pupil of Franz Liszt and one of the most distinguished pianists of his generation. Josef Hofmann called von Sauer "a truly great virtuoso."[2] Martin Krause, another Liszt pupil, called von Sauer "the legitimate heir of Liszt; he has more of his charm and ge..

[영국]Frederick Delius[프레더릭 딜리어스]

Frederick Delius Delius, aged 45, photographed in 1907 (29 January 1862 – 10 June 1934) was an English composer [영문자료 보기-Frederick Delius] 딜리어스는 런던 북부 브래드퍼드에서 태어났지만 그의 양친은 독일인이었다. 딜리어스의 집안은 음악을 좋아했고 아버지 율리우스는 아들이 집안에 내려오는 양모와 직물 사업에 종사하기를 원했다. 딜리어스는 아버지의 일을 도왔지만 적성에 맞지 않았고, 아버지를 설득해 플로리다 주의 오렌지 과수원의 관리자로 일하겠다는 이유를 대어 미국으로 건너다. 그곳에서도 딜리어스는 음악이론을 배우며 작곡하기를 계속했고, 결국 사업을 그만둘 수 있었다. 딜리어스는 1886년부터 라이프..

[러시아]Anton Arensky[안톤 아렌스키]

Anton Arensky (12 July [O.S. 30 June] 1861 – 25 February [O.S. 12 February] 1906) , was a Russian composer of Romantic classical music, a pianist and a professor of music. [작품 연주 모음] 실내악과 가곡으로 유명한 러시아의 작곡가. 목차 펼치기 림스키코르사코프의 제자였지만 차이코프스키에 보다 가까워 서정적이고 애조 띤 음악을 많이 작곡했다. 3편의 오페라 가운데 제일 먼저 작곡한 〈볼가 강 위의 꿈 A Dream on the Volga〉(1892, 모스크바)만이 성공적이었다. 피아노 3중주와 현악 4중주 A단조는 그의 작품 가운데 최고의 것들이다. 100곡이 넘는 피아..

[독일 - 리하르트 바그너의 아들]Siegfried Wagner

Siegfried Wagner Siegfried Wagner Siegfried Helferich Richard Wagner (6 June 1869 – 4 August 1930) was a German composer and conductor, the son of Richard Wagner. He was an opera composer and the artistic director of the Bayreuth Festival from 1908 to 1930. Siegfried Wagner was born in 1869 to Richard Wagner and his future wife Cosima (née Liszt), at Tribschen on Lake Lucerne in Switzerland. Thr..

[러시아계 스위스]Paul Juon

Paul Juon (Russian: Па́вел Фёдорович Юо́н, Pavel Fyodorovich Yuon; 6 March 1872 – 21 August 1940) was a Russian-born Swiss composer. Life He was born in Moscow, where his father was an insurance official. His parents were Swiss, and he went to a German Primary school in Moscow. He entered the Moscow Conservatory in 1889, where he studied violin with Jan Hřímalý[1] and composition with Anton Aren..

[영국 - 기관지 천식으로 요절한 음악가]William Hurlstone

William Yeates Hurlstone (7 January 1876 – 30 May 1906) was an English composer who died young, before his full potential could be realised. His teacher Sir Charles Villiers Stanford considered him the most talented of his pupils, above Ralph Vaughan Williams and Gustav Holst. [스승 스탠포드로부터 본윌리암스나 홀스트보다 낫다고 보았다.]= Career 12 Richmond Gardens since renumbered at renamed Empress Place Fulham SW6, whe..