Emil von Sauer (1902)

(8 October 1862 – 27 April 1942)[1] was a German composer, pianist, score editor, and music (piano) teacher. He was a pupil of Franz Liszt and one of the most distinguished pianists of his generation. Josef Hofmann called von Sauer "a truly great virtuoso."[2] Martin Krause, another Liszt pupil, called von Sauer "the legitimate heir of Liszt; he has more of his charm and geniality than any other Liszt pupil."[3]
리스트의 양식을 이어받은 독일의 피아니스트·음악교사·작곡가.
오랫동안 성공적인 연주회 경력으로 유명하다. 1879~81년 모스크바 음악원에서 니콜라이 루빈스타인에게 배웠고, 1884~85년 바이마르에서 프란츠 리스트에게 배웠다. 1882~1936년 수많은 순회 연주회를 가졌으며, 이중에는 미국(1898~99, 1908) 순회공연도 포함된다. 1901년 빈 아카데미의 피아노 교수로 임명되었고, 1908년 드레스덴으로 이주해서 살다가, 1915년 빈 아카데미로 다시 돌아와서 1922년 드레스덴으로 돌아갈 때까지 있었다.
피아노 협주곡 2곡, 피아노 소나타와 다수의 피아노 연습곡들을 작곡했고, 또한 요하네스 브람스의 피아노곡 전집과 루이 플레디와 테오도르 쿨라크 등의 교본집을 편집하기도 했다. 1901년 자서전 〈나의 세계 Meine Welt〉를 출판했다. 작곡가로서보다 세련되고 기교적인 피아니스트로 더 명성이 높았다.[다음백과]
Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor (1900)
1. Allegro patetico
2. Scherzo. Molto vivace
3. Cavatina. Larghetto amoroso
4. Rondo. Tempo giusto
Angelica von Sauer-Morales, piano
Vienna Symphony / Robert Heger
ORF, 1953
Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor
1. Moderato lamentoso - Animato - Allegretto - Allegro moderato assai - Moderato - Tempo I
2. Vivacissimo
3. Adagio - Andante - Molto moderato
4. Allegro deciso, assai moderato
Oleg Marshev, piano
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra
James Loughran, conductor
Sauer was born in Hamburg, Germany on 8 October 1862 as Emil Georg Conrad Sauer. He studied with Nikolai Rubinstein at the Moscow Conservatory between 1879 and 1881. on an 1884 visit to Italy he met the Countess von Sayn-Wittgenstein, who recommended him to her former paramour, Franz Liszt. He went on to study with Liszt for two years, but did not for some time consider himself a Liszt pupil. In an 1895 interview, he even denied it: "It is not correct to regard me as a pupil of Liszt, though I stayed with him for a few months. He was then very old, and could not teach me much. My chief teacher has been, undoubtedly, Nicholas Rubinstein."[2] In his later years, however, Sauer realized the influence of Liszt on himself and on music in general.[4]
From 1882 Sauer made frequent and successful tours as a virtuoso pianist; his performing career lasted until 1940. He premiered in London in 1894 and New York in 1899.[5] In 1901 he was appointed head of the Meisterschule für Klavierspiel at the Vienna Academy. Sauer left this post in April 1907 but returned to it in 1915.[6] Some of his pupils continued on to successful concert or other significant music careers, See: List of music students by teacher: R to S#Emil von Sauer.
In 1917, Sauer was raised to the peerage by the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy, which added the nobiliary particle "von" to his name. He was also awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Philharmonic Society of London.
Emil von Sauer was married twice. Angelica Morales (Sauer), his second wife, carried on his legacy in teaching. Sauer had two sons with Morales — Julio and Franz.
He died in Vienna, Austria on 27 April 1942, aged 79.

Regardless of his own opinion initially, Sauer was considered to have emphasized the original Liszt approach to piano as well as a strong Romantic approach to a musical technique which demanded total command of the keyboard in what was known as the Liszt School of piano. Unlike his fellow pupil Moriz Rosenthal, who could overwhelm the keyboard with orchestral force, von Sauer was said to caress the piano in a suave, polished manner. His recordings show him as a smooth pianist who was inclined toward relaxed tempos and the exactitude of detail over temperament.[7] While his playing may have sometimes lacked breadth, it was always elegant and beautifully finished.[6]
Along with editing the complete piano works of Johannes Brahms and a number of academic works by Pischna, Plaidy and Kullak, Sauer wrote piano concertos, piano sonatas, concert études, piano pieces and lieder. His compositions have been considered of minor importance.[6] Nevertheless, six CDs of his piano music were recorded by Oleg Marshev.
Selected works
- Two piano concertos
- Two piano sonatas
- Études de Concert
- Suite moderne
'♣ 음악 감상실 ♣ > [1860년 ~1880년]' 카테고리의 다른 글
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