♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/ *작 품

Mozart- Symphony No. 39 in E flat major, K. 543 (1788)

Bawoo 2020. 12. 25. 20:11




Symphony No. 39 in E flat major, K. 543 (1788)


교향곡 39번 E flat 장조(K. 543)는 볼프강 아마데우스 모차르트1788년 여름 짧은 기간 동안에 40번41번 교향곡과 더불어 작곡한 교향곡이다. 이 세 교향곡을 모차르트의 '후기 3대 교향곡'이라고 일컫기도 한다.

다음과 같은 네 개의 악장으로 구성되어 있다.

  1. 아다지오 - 알레그로 (Adagio - Allegro)
  2. 안단테 콘 모토 (Andante con moto)
  3. 메뉴에토: 트리오 (Menuetto: Trio)
  4. 알레그로 (Allegro) 

교향곡 39번(볼프강 아마데우스 모차르트, Symphony No.39 in E♭Major K.543)

두 달이 채 되지 않은 시간동안 완성된 작품이지만 모차르트의 음악적 정수를 보여주고 있는 대작이다. 이 〈교향곡 39번〉은...교향곡 39번〉을 작곡한 후, 7월 25일에 〈교향곡 40번〉을 완성한 모차르트는 8월 10일에 마지막 교향곡인 〈41번 C장조...[클래식 백과]


The Symphony No. 39 in E-flat major of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, K. 543, was completed on 26

June 1788. The 39th Symphony is the first of a set of three (his last symphonies) that Mozart composed in rapid succession during the summer of 1788. No. 40 was completed 25 July and No. 41 on

10 August. Around the same time, Mozart was writing his piano trios in E and C major, his sonate facile, and a violin sonatina. Mozart biographer Alfred Einstein has suggested that Mozart took Michael Haydn's Symphony No. 26, in the same key, as a model. It seems to be impossible to determine

the date of the premiere of the 39th Symphony on the basis of currently available evidence; in fact, it cannot be established whether the symphony was ever performed in the composer's lifetime. According to Deutsch (1965), around the time Mozart wrote the work, he was preparing to hold a series of "Concerts in the Casino", in a new casino in the Spiegelgasse owned by Philipp Otto. Mozart even sent a pair of tickets for this series to his friend Michael von Puchberg. But it seems impossible to determine whether the concert series was held, or was cancelled for lack of interest. In addition, in the period up to the end of his life, Mozart participated in various other concerts whose program included an unidentified symphony; these also could have been the occasion of the premiere of the 39th. In modern times, the work is part of the core symphonic repertoire and is frequently performed and recorded. The symphony is scored for flute, pairs of clarinets, bassoons, horns and trumpets, timpani and strings.


There are four movements:
1. Adagio, cut time -- Allegro, 3/4
2. Andante con moto, 2/4
3. Menuetto: Trio, 3/4
4. Allegro, 2/4.