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Johann Franz Xaver Sterkel (1750-1817) - Piano Concerto No.1, 2

Bawoo 2025. 3. 23. 11:42



Johann Franz Xaver Sterkel




(3 December 1750 in Würzburg – 12 October 1817 in Würzburg)

was a German composer and pianist in the 18th century. 


 Piano Concerto No.1 (1785)  






Piano Concerto No. 2 in D major Op. 26, 1

Kai Adomeit (piano), Bohuslav Martinu Philharmonic Orchestra, Zlin, Peter Lücker (conductor)


[모차르트와 관련된 내용]

His creative genius is evidently in this Concerto No.2 in D Major . A concert of three movements typical of their time and Mozart would have admired for its rhythm, architecture, theme and pianistic virtuosity but inevitably their inherent beauty.




[베토벤과 관련된 내용]


In 1791, a contingent from the Bonn Court Orchestra paid a visit to the court orchestra of Mainz and its Kapellmeister, Johann Franz Xaver Sterkel (1750-1817). Included in the group were the father of Ferdiand Ries, the future music publisher Nicolaus Simrock, the Romberg cousins and a 20 year old Ludwig van Beethoven. Although not everyone was taken with Sterkel’s musicianship, young Beethoven was.


Sterkel’s well-known meeting with Beethoven, as reported by Simrock and Wegeler (see Schiedermair), occurred early in 1791. Sterkel played one of his own sonatas, accompanied by Andreas Romberg on the violin. Beethoven was reluctant to perform in turn, and was challenged to play his own demanding Righini variations ,

which had recently been published; he played those that he remembered and improvised additional ones, successfully imitating throughout the distinctive light, graceful performing style just displayed by Sterkel.