♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/* 작 품

Ludwig van Beethoven - 서곡 모음

Bawoo 2020. 1. 26. 21:44

Ludwig van Beethoven

 서곡[ Overture]모음

01. Leonore Overture no3 00:00
02. Die weihe des Hauses (The Consecration of the House) 15:15
03. Coriolanus 26:28
04. King Stephen 34:04
05. Overture to Fidelio 41:30
06. The creatures of Prometheus 48:12
07. The ruins of Athens 53:36
08. Overture Egmont 59:53

Alberto Lizzio
Anton Nanut
Kurt Redel
London Festival Orchestra
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Radio Symphony Orchestra