♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/[1860년 ~1880년]

[그리그 조카와 결혼한 노르웨이 음악가]Johan Halvorsen[요한 할보르센]

Bawoo 2015. 3. 7. 00:45


Johan Halvorsen


Johan Halvorsen part.JPG


 (15 March 1864 – 4 December 1935) was a Norwegian composer, conductor and violinist.

본명은 요한 할보르센. 베르겐 필하모닉의 수석연주자를 거쳐 1893년 지휘자로 활동했다. 1899년 개장한 크리스티아니아 국립극장의 오케스트라 지휘자로 임명되었고 1929년 은퇴할 때까지 30여 년동안 지휘자로 활동했다. 이 기간동안 30여 개의 오페라를 지휘했고 또한 30여 개의 무대음악을 작곡하였다. 은퇴 후에는 마지막 음악적 정열을 집중시켜 세 개의 교향곡과 두 개의 노르웨이 광시곡을 작곡하였다. 할보르센은 그리그가 수립한 노르웨이 민족음악을 발전시켰으나, 그리그와는 확실하게 구분되는 스타일로 작곡하였다. 그리그의 여러 개의 피아노곡을 오케스트라용으로 편곡하였는데, 그 중 하나를 그리그의 장례식에서 연주하였다. 또한 헨델의 바이올린과 첼로 2중주곡을 편곡하여 <파사칼리아>를 작곡하였다.[다음백과]

[작품 모음]



Born in Drammen, Norway he was an accomplished violinist from a very early age and became a prominent figure in Norwegian musical life. He received his musical education in Kristiania (now Oslo) and Stockholm, and was a concertmaster in Bergen before joining the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra. He was a concertmaster in Aberdeen, Scotland, then a professor of music in Helsinki, and finally became a student once again, in St Petersburg, Leipzig (with Adolph Brodsky), Berlin (with Adolf Becker), and Liège (with César Thomson).

Duo for Violin and Cello - Center Stage Strings Benefit Concert 2012



* Entry March of the Boyars, Op. 17, by Johan Halvorsen


Returning to Norway in 1893, he worked as conductor of the theatre orchestra at Den Nationale Scene in Bergen and of the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. He became concertmaster of the Bergen Philharmonic in 1885, and principal conductor in 1893. In 1899 he was appointed conductor of the orchestra at the newly opened National Theatre in Kristiania, a position he held for 30 years until his retirement in 1929.


* Passacaglia -  Julia Fischer and Daniel Müller-Schott


As well as theatre music, Halvorsen conducted performances of over 30 operas and also wrote the incidental music for more than 30 plays. Following his retirement from the theatre he finally had time to concentrate on the composition of his three symphonies and two well-known Norwegian rhapsodies.


* Symphony No.2 in D-minor "Fatum" (1924)


Halvorsen's compositions were a development of the national romantic tradition exemplified by Edvard Grieg though written in a distinctive style marked by innovative orchestration. Halvorsen married Grieg's niece, and orchestrated some of his piano works, such as a funeral march which was played at Grieg's funeral. Five days after Halvorsen died, Grieg's cousin and widow Nina Grieg also died.


His best known works today are the Bojarenes inntogsmarsj (Entry March of the Boyars) and Bergensiana, along with his Passacaglia and Sarabande, duos for violin and viola based on themes by George Frideric Handel.


* Suite ancienne op. 31


* Fossegrimen Suite Op.21 including Danse Visionaire.

In early 2016, librarians at the University of Toronto announced that they had located the manuscript score of his violin concerto, performed only thrice in 1909 and considered lost. The piece is to receive its second debut in July 2016.[3]