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[베토벤 초상을 그린 화가]요셉 칼 슈틸러(Joseph Karl Stieler)

Bawoo 2016. 2. 12. 22:06


요셉 칼 슈틸러(Joseph Karl Stieler)



(1 November 1781 – 9 April 1858) was a German painter.

From 1820 until 1855 he worked as royal court painter of the Bavarian kings.

He is known for his Neoclassical portraits,

especially for the Gallery of Beauties at Nymphenburg Palace in Munich.


요셉 칼 슈틸러(1781-1858)는 독일 마인츠에서 태어났지만 비엔나에서 활동했고 ,특히 베토벤의 초상화를

[A portrait of Ludwig van Beethoven, 1820]


그려 후세에 남긴 화가이다. 슈틸러의 아버지는 동판화가였다. 슈틸러는 어릴 때부터 아버지로부터 미술에 대한 훈련을 받았다. 슈틸러는 미니에이쳐 화가로서 경력을 시작했다. 그러나 나중에는 인물화(초상화) 전문의 화가로서 활동했다. 1808년 그는 프랑크푸르트에서 초상화 작가로서 명성을 떨치기 시작했다. 1816년에는 프란시스 1세 황제의 초상화를 그리기 위해 비엔나를 방문하였다. 오늘날 가장 널리 알려진 베토벤의 초상화를 그린 것은 1820년이었다. 슈틸러는 주로 바바리아 궁전에서 일했다. 루드비히 1세는 슈틸러에게 슐로쓰 님펜부르크(Schloss Nymphenburg)의 갤러리를 장식하여 줄것을 요청하였다. 슈틸러의 솜씨로 채워진 갤러리는 ‘아름다움의 갤러리’라고 불렸다. 슈틸러는 괴테, 그리스의 아멜리아, 프리드리히 빌헬름 폰 셀링, 요한 루드비히 티에크(Johann Ludwig Tieck), 알렉산더 폰 훔볼르(Alexander von Humboldt) 등의 초상화를 제작하였다. 슈틸러 초상화의 특징은 앉아 있는 사람에게 초점을 둔 것이며 다른 모든 장식적인 것은 관심에서 벗어나도록 한다는 것이다. 그는 표정의 명암을 가벼운 어두운 색깔을 사용하여 표현하였다. 슈틸러는 바바리아의 뮌헨에서 세상을 떠났다.



Stieler beautified his models, see Marie of Prussia Queen of Bavaria, photo and picture
Gallery of Beauties, Nimfenburg


Born in the city of Mainz to a long-established family of engravers, punchcutters and die makers, Stieler received some artistic training from his father, August Friedrich Stieler (1736–1789). After the early death of his father, Joseph Karl autodidactically completed his apprenticeship and began his career as a painter of miniatures, which were increasingly sought after by bourgeois circles After Mainz had been occupied by French revolutionary troops in 1792, Stieler followed the expelled court of Prince-Archbishop Friedrich Karl Joseph von Erthal to Aschaffenburg. Here he met with the later Archbishop Karl Theodor Anton Maria von Dalberg, who became his most important patron and sponsor.


From 1802 to 1805 he attended the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in the master class of Heinrich

Füger. Stieler's portrait style was most especially shaped during his work in the Parisian atelier of François Gérard, a student of Jacques-Louis David. In 1808, he established himself as an independent portraitist in the city of Frankfurt and in 1810 travelled through Italy. From 1812 he worked at the court of King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria.


In 1816, he again travelled to Vienna to paint the portrait of Emperor Francis I of Austria. Between February and April 1820, he worked on his portrait of Ludwig van Beethoven, which is probably the most well-known representation of the composer today. In 1847 he also painted the portrait of Lola Montez, whose affair with King Ludwig I of Bavaria led to the monarch's abdication the next year.

Stieler retired in 1855 to live at his country home in Tegernsee. He died in Munich three years later. His son Karl Stieler (1842–1885) became a well-known writer.


Lola Montez , photo and picture


Stieler worked mainly in the service of the Bavarian court. His painted likenesses in Schloss Nymphenburg, the Schönheitengalerie, the so-called Gallery of Beauties, were commissioned by King Ludwig I of Bavaria. Stieler painted the portraits of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Amalia of Greece, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, Johann Ludwig Tieck, and Alexander von Humboldt, but also altarpieces.


The most distinguishing feature of Stieler's portraits is his utter focus on the sitter. Decorative additions are left out, and there is nothing that distracts the viewer's scrutiny. Stieler accomplished this concentration through deliberate light–dark contrast, which above all highlights the accurately characterized facial features.
