♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/* 작 품

Beethoven Violin Sonata 전곡[ 6, 7, 8 번]

Bawoo 2016. 2. 28. 21:15

Portrait by Joseph Karl Stieler, 1820
(17 December 1770 -- 26 March 1827) 
Violin Sonata 전곡(3)  6 ,7, 8번


  • Opus 30: Three Violin Sonatas (1803)

    • No. 2: Violin Sonata No. 7 in C minor

      The Violin Sonata No. 7 in C minor by Ludwig van Beethoven, the second of his opus 30 set, was composed between 1801 and 1802, published in May 1803, and dedicated to Tsar Alexander I of Russia.


    • It has four movements:

      1. Allegro con brio (in C minor)
      2. Adagio cantabile (in A-flat major)
      3. Scherzo: Allegro (in C major)
      4. Finale: Allegro; Presto (in C minor)



    • The work's opening movement is the first of Beethoven's sonata first movements that does not repeat the exposition.[1] The development section contains a theme not found in the exposition (this happens in earlier compositions such as the fourth violin sonata also)

    • The second movement was originally sketched out in G major before taking its current form.

      The autograph to the sonata turned up in a collection built up by H. C. Bodmer in Zurich,

    • discovered in the mid-20th century.


      The work takes approximately 26 minutes to perform.