Sir Charles Villiers Stanford
Stanford in 1921
(30 September 1852 – 29 March 1924) was an Irish composer, music teacher, and conductor.
Born to a well-off and highly musical family in Dublin, Stanford was educated at the University of
Cambridge before studying music in Leipzig and Berlin. He was instrumental in raising the status of the Cambridge University Musical Society, attracting international stars to perform with it.
아일랜드 태생 영국의 작곡가·지휘자·교육자.
그의 제자들인 랠프 본 윌리엄스, 아서 블리스 경, 구스타브 홀스트 등과 다음 세대의 영국 작곡가들에 큰 영향을 끼쳤다.
더블린대학교 트리니티 칼리지와 케임브리지대학교 퀸스 칼리지에서 공부했고, 1874~77년 라이프치히에서는 카를 라이네케에게서, 베를린에서는 프리드리히 키엘에게서 배웠다.
1883년 런던왕립음악대학의 작곡과교수가 되었고, 1887년에는 케임브리지대학교의 음악과교수가 되었다. 런던 바흐 콰이어(1885~1902)와 리즈 트리니얼 페스티벌 오케스트라(1901~10)에서 지휘자로 활동하기도 했으며, 1901년에는 기사작위를 받았다. 다작의 작곡가였고, 특히 5곡의 〈아일랜드 광시곡 Irish Rhapsodies〉
관현악곡·가곡·오페라로 유명하다.
스탠퍼드의 음악에는 19세기말의 낭만주의 양식이 반영되어 있으며 아일랜드 민요의 요소도
포함되어 있다.[다음백과]
While still an undergraduate, Stanford was appointed organist of Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1882, aged 29, he was one of the founding professors of the Royal College of Music, where he taught
composition for the rest of his life. From 1887 he was also Professor of Music at Cambridge. As a teacher, Stanford was sceptical about modernism, and based his instruction chiefly on classical principles as exemplified in the music of Brahms. Among his pupils were rising composers whose fame went on to surpass his own, such as Gustav Holst and Ralph Vaughan Williams. As a conductor, Stanford held posts with the Bach Choir and the Leeds triennial music festival.
Stanford composed a substantial number of concert works, including seven symphonies,
but his best-remembered pieces are his choral works for church performance, chiefly composed in the Anglican tradition. He was a dedicated composer of opera, but none of his nine completed operas has endured in the general repertory. Some critics regarded Stanford, together with Hubert Parry and Alexander Mackenzie, as responsible for a renaissance in music from the British Isles. However, after his conspicuous success as a composer in the last two decades of the 19th century, his music was eclipsed in the 20th century by that of Edward Elgar as well as former pupils.
[영문자료 더보기-Charles Villiers Stanford]
'♣ 음악 감상실 ♣ > [1840년 ~1859년]' 카테고리의 다른 글
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