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Ignacy Jan Paderewski - Polish Fantasy Op. 19 (1893)

Bawoo 2018. 11. 26. 21:17


Ignacy Jan Paderewski.PNG


1860.11. 18 러시아령 폴란드 포돌리아 쿠리우우프카~ 1941. 6. 29 미국 뉴욕 시.
폴란드의 피아니스트·작곡가·정치가 

 Polish Fantasy Op. 19 (1893)  

Polish Fantasy, next to the Piano Concert in A Minor, is recognised as one of the most popular works in Polish piano literature. Paderewski repeatedly played this piece during his tours through various parts of the world. In 1895, after his concerts in New York and Philadelphia critics from prime newspapers emphasised that the composition not only evoked Polish folklore, but was also a symbol of the whole nation, reminding everybody about its existence.

Dedication: À Madame la Princesse R. Bassaraba de Brancovan

Janina Fialkowska, piano and the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Antoni Wit
(Naxos 8.554020)

Sztompka was Paderewski's favourite pupil.
Henryk Sztompka - piano
National Philharmonic Orchestra in Warsaw
cond. Zbigniew Chwedczuk
rec. live 18.11.1960