(15 November 1766[1] – 6 January 1831) was a French violinist, teacher, conductor, and composer of forty French operas, including La mort d'Abel (1810).
He is probably best known as the dedicatee of Beethoven's Violin Sonata No. 9, Op. 47 (1803), though he never played the work. Kreutzer made the acquaintance of Beethoven in 1798, when at Vienna in the service of the French ambassador, Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte (later King of Sweden and Norway).[2] Beethoven originally dedicated the sonata to George Bridgetower, the violinist at its first performance, but after a quarrel he revised the dedication in favour of Kreutzer.
바이올린 연주에 있어 프랑스 악파의 창시자 중 한 사람이며 지휘자로도 활약했다. 영향력 있는 작곡가이자 지휘자였던 안톤 슈타미츠의 제자였으며, 1795년에는 파리 음악원의 바이올린 교수가 되었다.
1798년 빈에서 베토벤을 만났고 베토벤은 그에게 피아노와 바이올린을 위한 소나타 A장조 작품 47을 헌정했는데 지금은 〈크로이처 소나타 Kreutzer Sonata〉로 불리고 있다. 그러나 크로이처는 이 소나타를 한번도 들은 적이 없었으며 연주한 일도 없었다. 그는 이탈리아 오페라 극장과 파리 오페라 극장에서 바이올린 독주자로 있었으며 후에는 나폴레옹과 루이 18세의 황실 음악가가 되었다.
그는 40여 편의 오페라와 여러 편의 춤곡, 19곡의 바이올린 협주곡과 많은 실내악을 작곡했는데, 그의 오페라 가운데는 〈로도이스카 Lodoïska〉(1791)가 특히 인기 있었다. 바이올린 연주자 피에르 바요, 피에르 로드와 공저한 〈바이올린 기법 Méthode du violon〉과 〈40개의 연습곡과 카프리스 Études ou caprices〉는 아직도 바이올린을 위한 표준 교습서로서의 위치를 지키고 있다.(다음백과)
Kreutzer was born in Versailles, and was initially taught by his German father, who was a musician in the royal chapel, with later lessons from Anton Stamitz. He became one of the foremost violin virtuosos of his day, appearing as a soloist until 1810. He was a violin professor at the Conservatoire de Paris from its foundation in 1795 until 1826. He was co-author of the Conservatoire's violin method with Pierre Rode and Pierre Baillot, and the three are considered the founding trinity of the French school of violin playing. For a time, Kreutzer was leader of the Paris Opera, and from 1817 he conducted there too. He died in Geneva and is buried in Paris at the Père Lachaise Cemetery.
He was well known for his style of bowing, his splendid tone, and the clearness of his execution.
His compositions include nineteen violin concertos and forty operas. His best-known works, however, are the 42 études ou caprices (42 études or capricci, 1796) which are fundamental pedagogic studies.
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