♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/- 클래식(소품)

John Christopher Moller -Quartet in Eb

Bawoo 2020. 6. 4. 22:38


John Christopher Moller

(1755 – September 21, 1803) was one of the first American composers, as well as one of the first music publishers in the United States.


Quartet in Eb   

Intèrprets: Moravian Quintet
Pintura: Benjamin West (1738-1820) - Gentlemen Fishing (1794)


Moller was also an organist, concert manager, pianist, harpsichordist, and violinist. He was born in Germany and emigrated to Philadelphia in 1790 after spending almost 10 years in England and some time in New York. In 1796, he returned to New York where he was a manager of New York City concerts as well as serving as organist for Trinity Episcopal Church. He remained there for the rest of his life.