♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/[交響曲(Symphony)]

Louis Glass:교향곡 전곡(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 번)

Bawoo 2021. 5. 4. 21:21


Louis Christian August Glass (23 March 1864 – 22 January 1936)[1] was a Danish composer.

Glass, born in Copenhagen, was almost an exact contemporary of Carl Nielsen and, like Nielsen, was a student of Niels Gade. However, Glass also studied at the Brussels Conservatory, where he became enamored of the music of César Franck and Anton Bruckner, both of whom stylistically influenced his writing. For several years, he was one of Denmark's leading concert pianists until a paralysis in one arm made him retire from the stage. He then devoted himself primarily to composing. He composed in most genres and wrote several chamber music works of worth, including four string quartets, a string sextet, a piano trio, a piano quintet and several instrumental sonatas.

He wrote six symphonies (1893–1926), which have been recorded on the Danacord record label, while some chamber music has been recorded on Da Capo.

Glass died in Copenhagen.[영어위키]


교향곡 전곡(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 번)

Chorus: Philippopolis Choir

Orchestra: Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor: Nayden Todorov


* 1번은 들을 만했으나 2번은 3악장이 성악이라 비호감. 그래서 건너띠고  3번을 듣다가 이 역시 비호감이라 패스. 4번부터는 좀 더 귀가 트인 후에 듣기로.