요셉 안톤 코흐는 1768년 티롤지방의 엘비게날프(Elbigenalp)에서 태어났다. 그래서 그를 티롤의 화가라고 부른다. 코흐는 슈투트가르트의 칼스슐레(Karlsschule)를 다녔다. 사관학교와 같은 엄격한 규율의 학교였다. 학교를 졸업한 그는 프랑스와 스위스를 거쳐 로마를 여행하였다. 이때에 자연에 대한 관심을 크게 가지게 되었고 특히 영웅적 풍경화에 집중하게 되었다. 과거의 푸쌩(Poussin)이나 로레인(Lorrain)의 풍경화와는 달리 바위가 위용을 자랑하는 더욱 험준한 산악의 풍경을 소재로 삼는 것이었다. 1812년 그는 프랑스군의 이탈리아 침공을 항의하여 로마를 떠나 1815년까지 비엔나에 머물렀다. 이 기간 중에는 작품에 비고전적 테마를 융합하는 시도를 하였다. 다시 로마로 돌아온 그는 로마를 방문했던 독일 풍경화가들의 영향을 받아 보다 거친 스타일을 추구하였다. 코흐의 영웅적 풍경화는 그렇게 하여 태어났다. 코흐는 생애의 거의 전부를 로마에서 지냈다
Joseph Anton Koch (27 July 1768 – 12 January 1839) was an Austrian painter of Neoclassicism and later the German Romantic movement; he is perhaps the most significant neoclassical landscape painter.
The Tyrolese painter was born in Elbigenalp. He early in his life he was tending cattle. Through the recommendation of Bishop Umgelder (1785), he received academic training in the Karlsschule Stuttgart, a strict military academy. In 1791, he ran away, and traveled through France and Switzerland. He arrived in Rome in 1795. Koch was close to the painter Asmus Jacob Carstens and carried on Carstens' "heroic" art, at first in a literal manner. He etched the pages of Carstens' Les Argonautes, selon Pindar, Orphée et Apollonius de Rhode (Rome, 1799).
After 1800, Koch developed as a landscape painter. In Rome, he espoused a new type of "heroic" landscape, revising the classical compositions of Poussin and Lorrain with a more rugged, mountainous scenery. In 1812, forced through inadequate income from his work, or in protest of the French invasion, he went to Vienna, where he worked prolifically. He stayed in Vienna until 1815. During this period, he incorporated more non-classical themes in his work. In Vienna, he was influenced by Friedrich Schlegel and enthusiasts of old German art. In response, his style became harsher.
Koch returned to Rome, and became a conspicuous figure in the German artists' colony there. He painted, among other works, the four frescoes in the Dante Room of the Villa Massimi (1824–29).His presence and personality had considerable influence among the younger generation in the art life of Rome, and his new approach had a wide influence on German landscape painters who visited Rome. He wrote Moderne Kunstchronik oder die rumfordische Suppe gekocht und geschrieben von J. A. Koch (Stuttgart, 1834) which was directed humorously against unjustifiable criticism and false connoisseurship.
Koch's last years were spent in great poverty. He died in Rome,where he was buried in the Teutonic Cemetery, located next to St. Peter's Basilica within Vatican City.
- Landscape with Noah, ca. 1803 - oil on canvas [86 × 116 cm] (Pinakothek, Munich)
- Schmadribach Falls in the Lauterbach Valley, 1811
- Noah's Sacrifice, 1813
- Grimsel Pass, 1813
- View in the Sabine Mountains, 1813
- Monastery of San Francesco di Civitella, 1814
- Landscape with Ruth and Boaz, ca. 1823/25 - oil on canvas
- View of Nauplia, 1830
- View Near Subiaco
- Macbeth and the Witches
He etched 20 Italian landscapes and a large sheet representing The Oath of the French at Millesimo; 14 pages after Dante, adding later another 30 pages (published Vicenza, 1904), and 36 pages after Ossian. He contributed American landscape scenes to the works of Alexander von Humboldt (1805).
코흐의 대표작 중의 하나인 ‘룻과 보아스’의 이야기는 구약성경에 나오는 이야기이다. 며느리 룻이
남편이 죽은 후에 시어머니 나오미에게 순종하여 나오미의 고향에 갔다가 보아스를 만나 결혼하여
행복하게 산다는 내용을 담은 것이다. 이는 사랑과 가정에 대한 헌신을 상징한 작품으로 애국심을
고취하는 내용이기도 하다.
룻과 보아스(Ruth and Boaz)
* 출처: 영문 - 영어위키백과 / 우리말 해설 - 음악칼럼니스트 '정준극님 블로그'
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