♣ 미술(美術) 마당 ♣/- 작품[作品]

[스크랩] [다시보는 명작] (4)윌리엄 부궤로(William Bouguereau)

Bawoo 2013. 12. 8. 22:25




[다시보는 명작] (4)윌리엄 부궤로(William Bouguereau) 


프랑스 인상파 화가

(1825.11.30.~1905.8.19 )






Dante and Virgil in Hell 1850


The Virgin and Angels

Young Girl Defending Herself Against Cupid 1880

Pain of Love


Nymphs and Satyr

Birth of Venus

The Nymphaeum

The Youth of Bacchus

First Kiss

Fred Ross


The Flagellation of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The first mourning (아벨의 죽음을 슬퍼하는 아담과 이브)

A Soul Brought to Heaven

Love is Fleeting 1901

Little Shepherdess 1891

The Little Marauder 1900

Two Girls (Childhood Idyll) 1900


The Abduction of Psyche

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