♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/[協奏曲(Concerto)]

Moritz Moszkowski(모슈코프스키) 바이올린, 피아노 협주곡 모음

Bawoo 2015. 9. 10. 23:34

Moritz Moszkowski


Moritz Moszkowski, c. 1880.jpg


(23 August 1854 – 4 March 1925)

 German-Jewish composer, pianist, and teacher of Polish descent on his paternal side.

 His brother Alexander Moszkowski was a famous writer and satirist in Berlin.

Ignacy Paderewski said: "After Chopin, Moszkowski best understands how to write for the piano,

and his writing embraces the whole gamut of piano technique." Although less known today, Moszkowski was well respected and popular during the late nineteenth century.

(영문 해설 더 보기-Moritz Moszkowski)


<우리말 자료 있는 곳-blog.naver.com/kalliope63/110029525509   새들, 별모양의 정원..>


(He also wrote larger scale works including two Piano Concertos (an unpublished one in B minor,

Op. 3, in 1874, and the much better known concerto in E major, Op. 59, from 1898), a Violin Concerto in C major, Op. 30.)


Violin concerto in C majeur, op. 30

(dedicated to Émile Sauret-프랑스 바이올리니스트)



Movement 1 : Allegro comodo
Movement 2 : Andante
Movement 3 : Vivace


Piano Concerto Op. 3 (1874)



                                       Piano Concerto in E, Op. 59


It was composed in 1898 by the German Jewish pianist Moritz Moszkowski (1854-1925).

He dedicated it to the virtuoso pianist Josef Hofmann, who studied with Moszkowski in his youth.

This work enjoyed considerable popularity in the decade following its premiere, but it soon fell into neglect, along with the rest of Moszkowski's oeuvre (where - unfortunately - much of it remains to this day).