프란츠 안톤 호프마이스터
(FranzAnton Hoffmeister)
프란츠 안톤 호프마이스터 (Franz Anton Hoffmeister, 1754~1812/영조30년-순조12년, 58세)는 독일의 작곡가이자 음악 출판업자이다.
호프마이스터는 로텐부르크 암 네카르(Rottenburg am Neckar)에서 태어나, 14세에 빈으로 가서 법을 공부했다. 그러나 공부를 하면서 그는 음악으로 진로를 정하고, 1780년대에 그는 다양하고 광범위한 작품들로 명예를 얻어 이 도시의 인기있는 작곡가가 되었다.그러나 오늘날에는 거의 그의 악보 출판업 활동으로만 알려져 있다. 1785년에 그는 빈에서 거의 최초의 악보 출판사를 설립했다. 가장 먼저 이 분야에 뛰어든 회사는 아르타리아 & Co로서, 겨우 5년 전의 일이었다.
호프마이스터는 그의 작품과 더불어 요제프 하이든, 볼프강 아마데우스 모차르트, 루트비히 판 베토벤, 무치오 클레멘티, 요한 게오르크 알브레히츠베르거, 칼 디터스 폰 디터스도르프, 요한 밥티스트 반할 등 당대 중요한 음악가들의 많은 작품들을 출판했다. 이들 유명한 작곡가들은 호프마이스터와 개인적으로 친분이 있기도 했다. 모차르트는 현악 4중주 20번(K.499)를 그에게 헌정했으며, 베토벤은 편지에서 그를 이르러 “가장 신뢰하는 형제”로 부르기도 했다.
호프마이스터의 출판 활동은 1791년에 절정을 이루는데, 이후부터는 작곡에 전념한다.
그가 쓴 오페라 작품은 대부분 1790년대 초에 작곡되어 공연되었다. 사업 감각이 그리 뛰어나지못한데다, 이렇듯 사업에 소홀해지자 사세가 기울게 되었다.
1799년에 호프마이스터와 플루티스트 프란츠 투르너는 런던만큼 먼 곳으로 순회 연주를 떠난다. 그러나 이들은 겨우 라이프치히까지 갔는데, 이곳에서 그는 오르가니스트 암브로시우스 퀴넬과 친구가 된다. 이 두 사람은 “1년간” 악보 출판을 계약한 듯 한데, 이들은 ‘’Bureau de Musique’’를 설립하는데, 이 회사는 나중에 오늘날 유명한 C.F 페터스 사로 넘어간다. 이들이 출판한 작품 중에는 1802년 바흐 건반 작품 14권의 초판도 있다. 1805년까지 호프마이스터는 빈 회사와 라이프치히의 새 회사를 함께 경영했다. 그러나 1805년 3월 ‘’Bureau de Musique’’의 소유권은 퀴넬에게 넘긴다. 그는 비엔나 회사에도 관심을 잃어, 1806년에는 작곡으로 돌아서서, 20년 된 이 회사를 헤미셰 드루커레이(Chemische Druckerey)에게 매각했다.
< 작품 모음 >
Concerto for 2 clarinets and orchestra in E flat major in one movement
Dieter Klöcker, clarinet
Waldemar Wandel, 2nd clarinet
Münchener Kammerorchester
Hans Stadlmair
* Flute Concerto No. 17 in D major
Flute / Conductor : Bruno Meier
Prague Chamber Orchestra
00:00 I. Allegro
11:40 II. Romanza : poco Adagio
17:51 III. Rondo : Allegretto
* Concierto para flauta n 24 in D major
* Concierto para piano ( 피아노 협주곡 )
Viola Concerto.wmv
Concerto in D Major, viola-1st movement Allegro(동영상)
Franz Anton Hoffmeister was born in Rottenburg am Neckar on 12 May 1754. At the age of fourteen he went to Vienna to study law. Following his studies, however, he decided on a career in music and by the 1780s he had become one of the city’s most popular composers, with an extensive and varied catalogue of works to his credit.
Hoffmeister’s reputation today rests mainly on his activities as a music publisher. By 1785 he had established one of Vienna’s first music publishing businesses, second only to Artaria & Co, which had ventured into the field five years earlier.
Hoffmeister published his own works as well as those of many important composers of the time, including Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Clementi, Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf and Johann Baptist Wanhal. These famous composers were also among Hoffmeister's personal friends: Mozart dedicated his String Quartet in D to him and Beethoven addressed him in a letter as my "most beloved brother".
First page of the viola solo part, in the manuscript parts set of Hoffmeister's viola concerto in D
Hoffmeister’s publishing activities reached a peak in 1791, but thereafter he appeared to have devoted more time to composition. Most of his operas were composed and staged during the early 1790s and this, combined with an apparent lack of business sense, led to his noticeable decline as a publisher.
Publishing interests
In 1799, Hoffmeister and the flautist Franz Thurner set off on a concert tour which was to have taken them as far afield as London. They got no further than Leipzig, where Hoffmeister befriended the organist Ambrosius Kühnel. The two men decided to set up a music publishing partnership and "within a year" had founded the 'Bureau de Musique', which was eventually taken over by the well-respected C.F. Peters, a firm that is still active today. Among the publications of the Bureau de Musique was the first edition of Johann Sebastian Bach's Keyboard Works in 14 volumes (1802). Until 1805, Hoffmeister kept both the Viennese firm and his newer Leipzig publishing house going, but in March 1805 he transferred sole ownership of the Bureau de Musique to Kühnel. His interest in the Viennese firm also waned, for in 1806, apparently to allow time for composition, he sold the 20-year-old business to the Chemische Druckerey.
As a composer, Hoffmeister was highly respected by his contemporaries, as can be seen in the entry, published in the year of his death, in Gerber's Neues Lexikon der Tonkünstler:
If you were to take a glance at his many and varied works, then you would have to admire the diligence and the cleverness of this composer.... He earned for himself a well-deserved and wide-spread reputation through the original content of his works, which are not only rich in emotional expression but also distinguished by the interesting and suitable use of instruments and through good practicability. For this last trait we have to thank his knowledge of instruments, which is so evident that you might think that he was a virtuoso on all of the instruments for which he wrote. <출처:영어위키백과 >
Selected works
With opus number
- Duo for two Flutes Op. 31/3
- Duets for Violin & Violoncello 1-3 Op. 6
- Duets for Violin & Viola 1-3 Op. 7
- String Quartets 1-6 Op. 7?
- String Quartets 1-6 Op. 10
- Duets for Violin & Viola 1-6 Op. 13
- String Quartets 1-3 Op. 14
- Duets for Violin & Viola 1-6 Op. 19
- Quartetti Concertanti 1-3 Op. 29
- String Quintet Op. 62
- Duets for Violin & Viola 1-6 Op. 65
Without opus number[edit]
- 6 Airs for 2 flutes
- 6 Caprices for Violao→♯
- 12 Etudes for Viola
- 12 Variations for Flute and Strings
- Viola Concerto in D major
- Viola Concerto in B-flat major
'♣ 음악 감상실 ♣ > * 음악가 별' 카테고리의 다른 글
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