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Johann Nepomuk Hummel - Piano Concerto No. 2 in A minor Op..85

Bawoo 2016. 3. 14. 19:59


요한 네포무크 훔멜

( Johann Nepomuk Hummel)




1778년 11월 14일 ~ 1837년 10월 17일)

 오스트리아의 피아니스트, 지휘자, 작곡가.



                         Piano Concerto No. 2 in A minor

후멜이 빈에 머물던 시기인 1816년에 쓰여서 1821년 출판되었다. 뛰어난 피아니스트로 명성을 얻었던 그는 이 협주곡에서 낭만주의 피아노 협주곡의 화려한 전통을 예견케 하는 모습을 보여주고 있다. 

  1. 후멜의 피아니즘이 후대에 미친 영향
  2. 쇼팽과 슈만에 새겨진 후멜의 흔적
  3. 초기 낭만주의 협주곡의 효시
  4. 악장 구성
  5. 1악장 알레그로 모데라토
  6. 2악장 라르게토
  7. 3악장 론도: 알레그로 모데라토


Johann Nepomuk Hummel's Piano Concerto No. 2 in A minor, Op. 85 was written in 1816

and published in Vienna in 1821.[1] Unlike his earlier piano concerti, which closely followed

the model of Mozart's, the A minor concerto, like the B minor Concerto, Op. 89, is written in

a proto-Romantic style that anticipates the later stylistic developments of composers such as

Frédéric Chopin and Felix Mendelssohn.


Date of composition and scoring

The piano concerto was written by Hummel as a showcase for his virtuosity at the instrument. It was written in 1816 and is scored for piano, flute, two oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, timpani, and strings.


The work is composed in traditional three movement form. There is a solo transition in the second movement leading into the Rondo without pause.


Although Hummel's music, seen as essentially Mozartian in style, had fallen out of fashion by the

1830s, the A minor concerto nonetheless exercised considerable influence over a number of works that helped to usher in the Romantic style. Frédéric Chopin, who had played the Hummel concerti,

drew from elements of the A minor concerto in his own piano concerti.[3] Indeed, it has been suggested that Chopin's concerto is closely linked both thematically and structurally to the Hummel antecedent.


The A minor concerto da camera of Charles-Valentin Alkan has also been noted for its debt to Hummel's style of writing for the keyboard.

While generally uninterested in Hummel as a composer,[6] Robert Schumann had made a close study of the A minor concerto in 1828  and considered it one of the works (along with the F-sharp minor piano sonata) of his "heyday".  And in his own A minor concerto, Schumann makes reference

to aspects of Hummel's virtuosic style.