♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/- 4중주(QUARET)

Ignaz Walter - Quartetto op. 9 in F major for harp, violin, flute and violoncello (1799)

Bawoo 2016. 3. 19. 12:21


Ignaz Walter



Quartetto op. 9 in F major

for harp, violin, flute and violoncello (1799)

Ignaz Walter (1755-1822)
Quartetto op. 9 in F major for harp, violin, flute and violoncello (1799)

As performed by Quadro Viegas.

Aurelie Viegas, harp
Madoka Nakamaru, violin
Wim Brabants, flute
Renke Van Impe, violoncello

Quadro Viegas specializes in performing chamber music for harp, flute, violin and violoncello from the period 1780-1830, using historically appropriate instruments.
The repertoire mentions compositions by Fattschek, Haydn, Walter, Köhler, Dussek, Boisbaudry and others.


Harp: Sébastien Erard, Paris ca. 1805
Violin: Hendrik Jacobs, Amsterdam ca. 1696 / bow: Tourte school, Paris ca. 1820
Flute: Rudolf Tutz (Innsbruck) after Heinrich Grenser, Dresden ca. 1790
Violoncello: Walter Robert Barth, Brambach 1928; conversion to baroque violoncello by Gert Schrijvers

Allegro: 00:00
Andante: 09:05
Rondo Allegretto: 13:51