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[후한의 정치가]마원(馬援

Bawoo 2016. 6. 12. 22:28

마원 (후한)

하이난 성에 있는 마원의 동상

마원(馬援, 기원전 14년 ~ 49년)은 후한의 정치가로 자는 문연이다. 태중태부농서 태수를 역임하였으며 후한 말, 서량태수 마등(馬騰)과 계한 표기장군 마초(馬超)의 조상이다. 후한 광무제(光武帝) 때 (蜀)을 공격, 함락하여 복파장군(伏波將軍)이 되고, 교지(交趾)를 쳐서 신식후(新息侯)에 봉해졌다. 시호는 충성(忠成). 마복파(馬伏波)이다. 또한 그는 나이가 70이 넘어 전쟁에 노구를 이끌고 참가하여 연승을 거두면서 노장이라는 별명을 얻기도 하였다. 후에 그의 딸은 명제의 황후가 되었고, 장제의 생모 가귀인과 사촌자매처럼 사이가 좋았다고 한다.[위키백과]

처음에는 왕망이 세운 신나라에서 벼슬을 했으나 왕망의 정책에 반대하는 반란이 전국 각지에서 일어나자 왕망의 정적들과 손잡았고 결국에는 후한을 세운 광무제(25~57/58 재위)의 신하가 되었다. 35년 화남지방의 태수로 임명되어 남쪽으로 지금의 북베트남에 이르는 지역까지 중국의 지배권을 다시 확립했다.

45년에는 북방 국경지대로 파견되어 중앙 아시아의 흉노족을 제압하는 데 힘썼다. 마원은 죽은 다음 신으로 받들어졌고 근대에 이르기까지도 중국 남부의 광시[廣西] 지방에서는 파도를 잠재우는 해신으로 받들어졌다.[다음백과]

Life and career

Ma Yuan's statue in Hainan
Fubo Temple in Zhuzhou County, Hunan

Ma Yuan was a native of what is now Xingping, Shaanxi province. His family was descended from the State of Zhao. His military and political achievements included helping Emperor Guangwu unite the empire and putting down rebellions of the Trung Sisters (in Jiaozhi, modern Vietnam) and the Wulin tribes (in modern eastern Guizhou and northwestern Hunan). He fell ill during an expedition to modern Hunan in 49 AD, and died soon afterwards. Prior to that, Ma Yuan contributed to Emperor Guangwu's defeat of the warlord Wei Xiao (隗囂), who controlled the modern eastern Gansu region.

He is considered one of the more famous generals in Chinese history, not only because of his military achievements, but also because he demonstrated perseverance and respect to his friends and subordinates. In addition to his military skills, his exhortations on personal discipline were also highly regarded. His daughter became Empress Ma of Emperor Ming of Han and was also highly respected.

One of his greatest achievements was the subjugation of the territory of the Nanman regions. It was for this he earned his title "Queller of the Deep." He was reportedly revered in that area (as was often the case of great warriors of that period), and his temple was established somewhere there[citation needed] . The territory he subjugated corresponds roughly with North Vietnam.

He also subjugated the Qiang. In 34 A.D., the Xianlian Qiang and a number of other tribes, raided Chinese positions in Jincheng and Longxi[disambiguation needed] commanderies and were defeated by Han armies. A few months later, Lai Xi was killed on campaign against Gongsun Shu, but his assistant, Ma Yuan, Grand Administrator of Lonxi commandery, continued operations against the Qiang. In 35, the Xianlian tribe were again defeated, first at Lintao in Longxi and then along the Xining river in Jincheng commandery. In the two separate campaigns, Ma Yuan captured more than ten thousand head of horses, cattle and sheep, together with considerable stores of grain. He was wounded in the leg during one of the final engagements, and he did not completely destroy the enemy, but he did drive them away from the valley lands of Jincheng, and he was rewarded with Imperial commendation and several thousand of the animals he had captured.

Though members of the Qiang had escaped across the borders, Ma Yuan's victories in 35 had broken the power of the Xianlian tribe and had made possible a restoration of Chinese positions on the old frontiers.

In 49, Ma, while on expedition against the Wulin tribes (in modern eastern Guizhou and northwestern Hunan), died during the campaign from a plague, which also killed a large number of his soldiers. After his death, Ma's deputy Geng Shu (耿舒), who had disagreed with Ma's strategy, and Emperor Guangwu's son-in-law Liang Song (梁松), who had prior grudges against Ma, falsely accused Ma of many crimes. Two specific accusations that are known are that Ma, by the route he took against the Wulin tribes, was responsible for the plague, and that he had, while on campaigns, embezzled pearls and rhinoceros horns. The latter accusation was a misunderstanding in that one of Ma's favorite foods (which he considered capable of warding off plague) was Job's Tears (Chinese pearl barley), produced in southern China and northern Vietnam, which Ma had transported in large quantities back to the capital Luoyang. Emperor Guangwu believed these false accusations and posthumously stripped Ma of his fief and title of marquess. His reputation was not restored until his daughter later became empress to Emperor Guangwu's son Emperor Ming upon his ascension to the throne in 57.


It is said that during Zhuge Liang's attempts to suppress Meng Huo and the barbarians, he was inspired by a statue of Ma Yuan which helped him to overcome one of Meng Huo's most difficult obstacles.

Ma Yuan was the source of two Chinese chengyu idioms. one, "wrapping one's body with horse leather" (馬革裹屍), refers to being dedicated to one's responsibilities that one is willing to die on the battlefield and have his body be wrapped in horse leather; Ma had given this phrase while talking to a friend as to why he wished to continue in military service. The other, "drawing a tiger improperly results in a dog" (畫虎不成反類犬), refers to his admonition to his nephews to be careful in their conduct and not to try to imitate a famed heroic figure of the time, Du Bao (杜保) -- in that if one tried to imitate Du but was not as heroic as he was, one would end up becoming a frivolous hoodlum.


Ma Yuan is worshipped as a deity in numerous temples in China. The Fubo Temples of Zhuzhou County, Hunan and Heng County, Guangxi are among the best known. Mount Fubo and Fubo Park in Guilin, Guangxi are also named after him.[영어 위키]

[출처: 정보-책[21세기북스] 지상 최대의 경제 사기극 세대전쟁]