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Karl von Ordóñez

Bawoo 2016. 9. 6. 21:02

Karl von Ordóñez

(April 19, 1734–September 6? 1786)[1] (also Carlo or Carl d'Ordonetz, Ordonnetz, d'Ordóñez, d'Ordonez, Ordoniz)[2] was one of a number of composers working in Vienna during the second half of

the Eighteenth century. Ordonez was not a full-time professional musician. Most of his working life was spent in the employment of the Lower Austrian Regional Court and his musical activities were pursued in his spare time. Ordonez's choice of career was probably dictated by his social rank. As a member of the nobility, albeit of the lowest rank, he would have been aware that a professional musical career would not have befitted a man of his social standing.[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_von...]

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