♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/- 바이올린

Alban Berg : Violin Concerto [시기상조]

Bawoo 2016. 10. 25. 20:59

Alban Berg

(February 9, 1885 – December 24, 1935)

 Austrian composer of the Second Viennese School. His compositional style combined

Romantic lyricism with twelve-tone technique.

[우리말 프로필 - 교조주의를 거부한 낭만적 모더니스트, 알반 베르크 (Alban Berg)]

Violin Concerto.

Alban Berg's Violin Concerto was written in 1935 (the score is dated 11 August 1935). It is probably Berg's best-known and most frequently performed instrumental piece.

The piece stemmed from a commission from the violinist Louis Krasner. When he first received the commission, Berg was working on his opera Lulu, and he did not begin work on the concerto for some months. The event that spurred him into writing was the death by polio of 18-year-old Manon Gropius, the daughter of Alma Mahler (once Gustav Mahler's wife) and Walter Gropius. Berg set Lulu aside to write the concerto, which he dedicated "To the memory of an angel".

Berg worked on the piece very quickly, completing it within a few months; it is thought that his working on the concerto was largely responsible for his failing to complete Lulu before his death on 24 December 1935 (the violin concerto was the last work that Berg completed). The work was premiered after the composer's death, with Krasner playing the solo part, on 19 April 1936, in Palau de la Música Catalana, Barcelona[베르크가 마지막으로 완성한 작품 역시 그가 죽은 해에 작곡된 것이다. 베르크는 〈룰루〉의 작품을 멈추고, 〈바이올린 협주곡〉을 작곡하였다. 이 작품은 말러의 미망인 알마 말러와 그녀의 두 번째 남편과의 사이에서 난 마농 그로피우스를 추모하며 쓴 것으로, 마농이 소아마비로 사망했을 때 그녀의 나이 18세였다. 베르크는 그 작품에 ‘천사를 기억하며’라는 헌정사를 바쳤다.]