사실주의 화가 에밀 무니에르(Emile Munier)
※Emile Munier는 William Bouguerea의 제자이며 친구

*A Special Moment (Le lecon de tricot), 1874*
*The Peacock Fan, 1874*
*A Special Moment, 1874*
*A Careful Stitch, 1875*
*A Happy Family, 1879*
*La Petite Fille, 1879*
*Portrait de Marie-Louise, 1879*
*Sugar and Spice, 1879*
*May I Have One Too, 1880*
*Share and Share Alike, 1881*
*The New Pets, 1881*
*Little Girl, 1881*
*Her Best Friend, 1882*
*Le Jeune Fille et la Poupee, 1882*
*Blossoms, 1883*
*Trois Amis, 1885*
*Portrait of a Mother and Daughter, 1885*
*Catch, 1886*
*Young Girl with a Basket of Oranges, 1887*
*La Priere (Prayer), 1887*
*Autrefois (Long Ago)*
*Pardon Mama, 1888*
*Essai de l'Eau, 1890*
*Contemplation, 1890*
*Femme nu dans la Foret, 1890*
*Young Girl with Goat & Flowers, 1890*
*Les Confitures, 1891*
*A Sprig of Berries, 1891*
*Coo! Young Doves, Coo!, 1891*
*Mother and Child (The Cold Bath), 1892*
*Her New Friend, 1892*
*Best Friends, 1892*
*Playing with the Kitten, 1893*
*La jeune paysanne, 1894*
*Teasing the Doves, 1895*
*La Lettre*
*La Grande Soeur (The Elder Sister)*
*Farm Girl with her Pet Billy Goat*
*Distracting the Baby*
*The Broken Vase*
'♣ 미술(美術) 마당 ♣ > - 작품[作品]' 카테고리의 다른 글
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