♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/- 5중주(QUINTET)

Bartók Béla- Piano Quintet in C Major

Bawoo 2017. 5. 19. 10:02

 Bartók Béla


( 1881년 3월 25일 ~ 1945년 9월 26일)

 헝가리작곡가, 피아니스트, 중앙유럽의 민요를 수집해서 정리한 음악학자.

 [Béla Viktor János Bartók was a Hungarian composer and pianist. He is considered one of the most important composers of the 20th century; he and Liszt are regarded as Hungary's greatest composers . Through his collection and analytical study of folk music, he was one of the founders of comparative musicology, which later became ethnomusicology민족음악학.]

Piano Quintet in C Major

Internationaal Kamermuziek Festival Utrecht. De uitvoerenden: Janine Jansen (viool/violin), Denis Kozhukhin [piano], Boris Brovtsyn [viool/violin], Amihai Grosz [altviool/viola] en Julian Steckel [cello].

Norfolk Chamber Music Festival
Youngsun Kim, Violin
Edson Scheid, Violin
Kendra James, Viola
Yoonhee Ko, Cello
Esther Park, Piano

The Penderecki String Quartet
Pamela Mia Paul, Piano