♣ 미술(美術) 마당 ♣/- 작품[作品]

[스크랩] 줄리어스 바스티앙(Jules Bastien)의 `잊을 수없는 눈빛`

Bawoo 2014. 1. 17. 22:52




 줄리어스 바스티앙(Jules Bastien)의 '잊을 수없는 눈빛'
Roadside Flowers (The Little Shepherdess)
1882 oil on canvas
Pauvre Fauvette
1881 Oil on canvas
Nothing Doing.
1882 Oil on canvas (132.1 x 89.5 cm)
Going to School
1882 Oil on canvas
The london bootblack
1882 Oil on canvas (132.5 x 89.5 cm)
The Little Lord
1880 45.7 x 34.29 cm Oil on canvas
The Beggar
Oil on canvas, 1880 (192.5 x 180.5 cm)
The Blind Beggar
Oil on canvas
La Chanson du printemps,
1874 Oil on canvas, 148 x 100 cm
October: Gathering Potatoes
Oil on canvas, 1879 (180.34 x 195.58 cm)
Joan of Arc
Oil on canvas, 1879 (254.00 x 279.40 cm)
At Harvest Time
Oil on canvas, 1880 (81.3 x 105.4 cm)
The Ripened Wheat
Oil on canvas, 1880 (50.7 x 105 cm)
The Sarah Bernhardt Portrait
1879 Oil on canvas
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