♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/ [광시,변주,서곡] 128

Frantisek Skroup- Overture to the Opera Dráteník (The Tinker/땜장이)

František Škroup (3 June 1801, Osice near Hradec Králové -- 7 February 1862, Rotterdam) Czech composer and conductor. His brother Jan Nepomuk Škroup was also a successful composer and his father, Dominik Škroup, and other brother Ignác Škroup were lesser known composers. Overture to the Opera Dráteník(The Tinker/땜장이) Fran..

[고전파 시대]Gian Francesco de Majo - Alessandro 1_2

Gian Francesco de Majo (24 March 1732 – 17 November 1770) Italian composer. He is chiefly known for his more than 20 operas. He also composed a considerable amount of sacred works, including oratorios, cantatas, and masses.[1] Alessandro 1_2 Performed by: Alessandro, opera seria in 3 acts Conductor: Tito Ceccherini Nationaltheater Mannheim Katharina Göres - Soprano I..

Guillaume Lekeu - Overture after Victor Hugo's Les Burgraves (1890)

Guillaume Lekeu (20 January 1870 – 21 January 1894) was a Belgian composer of classical music. Overture after Victor Hugo's Les Burgraves (1890) Conducted by Pierre Bartholomee with the Orchestre Philharmonique de Liege. I. Part One - 00:00 II. Part Two - 13:00 Lekeu (1870-94) was born in the village of Heusy in Belgium and began his musical studies at a conservatory nea..