♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/- 8중주(OCTET)

[☆5]George Stephănescu : Octet in G major for strings and wind instruments (1866)

Bawoo 2021. 6. 10. 20:57

George Stephănescu 

(13 December 1843 – 25 April 1925) was a Romanian composer, one of the main figures in Romanian national opera.

Octet in G major for strings and wind instruments (1866)

image: view of the river Dâmboviţa in Stephănescu's hometown Bucharest by Amedeo Preziosi (June 18, 1869)

[전체적으로 음악이 감미롭다. 처음 들을 땐 관악기 연주가 귀에 거슬렸으나 다시 들어보니 현악기와 잘 어우러졌다. 더 이상의 감상평은 그저 듣기만 하는 내 수준으론 무리. ㅠㅠ]


Stephănescu was born and died in Bucharest. He graduated from the Bucharest Academy of Music. In 1877, Stephănescu was appointed conductor of the National Theater orchestra and Singing teacher at the Academy.

While teaching the opera singers at the Academy, he aimed to gradually develop the National Theater's musical repertoire from vaudevilles to musical comedies and finally to opera. In 1885, he founded the first opera company in the Kingdom of Romania. It disbanded in 1902 when the government cut its financial support.

Stephănescu is noted for having used works by many poets as librettos or texts for his compositions — among them, the locals Vasile AlecsandriMihai EminescuTraian DemetrescuAlexandru Vlahuţă and the foreigners Victor Hugo and Alfred de MussetHis son was the writer Eugeniu Ștefănescu-Est.