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[러시아의 성 이삭 성당을 40년에 걸쳐 건설하고 그곳에 묻히길 바랐으나 러시아 정교 신자가 아니란 이유로 거절되어 고국 프랑스에 묻힌 건축가] 오귀스트 드 몽페랑[Auguste de Montferrand]

Bawoo 2021. 7. 18. 21:25

[오귀스트 드 몽페랑]

Auguste de Montferrand

January 23, 1786 – July 10, 1858) was a French classicist architect who worked primarily in Russia. His two best known works are the Saint Isaac's Cathedral and the Alexander Column in St. Petersburg.

Montferrand died in St. Petersburg in 1858, the year St. Isaac's Cathedral was completed. His desire to be buried in the vault of that cathedral could not be executed, because he was not of the Orthodox faith. His body was returned to France and buried in Montmartre CemeteryParis, next to his mother.Contents






[정보] 책:줌 인 러시아. 저자 이대식 | 삼성경제연구소 | 2020.4.17