Franz von Lenbach

Franz von Lenbach (13 December 1836 – 6 May 1904) was a German painter of Realist style. He travelled to Italy and Spain and completed many notable portraits.
Lenbach was born at Schrobenhausen, in Bavaria. His father was a mason, and the boy was destined for the building trade. He went to school at Landsberg, and then to the polytechnic at Augsburg. However after seeing Hofner, the animal painter, executing some studies, he made various attempts at painting, which his father's orders interrupted. However, when he had seen the galleries of Augsburg and Munich, he obtained his father's permission to work for a short time in the studio of Gräfle, the painter; after this he devoted much time to copying.
Lenbach was already accomplished when he became the pupil of Piloty, with whom he set out for
Italy in 1858. A few works remain as the outcome of this first journey A Peasant seeking Shelter
from Bad Weather (1855), The Goatherd (1860, in the Schack Gallery, Munich) and The Arch of
Titus (in the Palfy collection, Budapest). on returning to Munich, he was at once called to Weimar
to take the appointment of professor at the Academy. But he did not need to teach for long, having made the acquaintance of Count Schack, who commissioned a great number of copies for his collection.
Lenbach returned to Italy the same year, and there copied many famous pictures.At this time he took on Ernst Friedrich von Liphart who was the gifted son of a Baltic German noble. He set out in 1867 for Spain with Liphart, where he copied not only the famous pictures by Velázquez in the Prado, but also some landscapes in the museums of Granada and the Alhambra (1868).[1] This trip was funded by Lenbach's patron Count Schack.
In the previous year he had exhibited at the great exhibition at Paris several portraits, one of which took a third-class medal. In 1882 Lenbach was ennobled, and since then known as von Lenbach. Thereafter he exhibited frequently both at Munich and at Vienna, and in 1900 at the Paris exhibition was awarded a Grand Prix for painting. Lenbach, who died in 1904, painted many of the most remarkable personages of his time
Most of von Lenbach's paintings are in National collections in the United Kingdom, with some in the Frye Art Museum in Seattle, Washington.[4] The UK collections include portraits by him of both Bismarck and Gladstone are in the National Galleries of Scotland and there is another of Gladstone in the Palaces of Westminster.
뛰어난 성격묘사로 19세기 후반 독일에서 사랑받은 초상화가이다.
그의 모델로는 황제 빌헬름 1세, 리하르트 바그너, 프란츠 리스트, 헬름홀츠, 글래드스턴 등 당대의 거물급 인사들이 있었다. 그중 80여 점이나 그렸던 비스마르크의 초상화들이 특히 유명하다. 티치아노, 렘브란트, 벨라스케스, 조슈아 레널즈 등의 명암대조법, 색채, 그리고 회화적 특성들에서 크게 영향받았다.
줄곧 독학으로 그림 공부를 하다가 1857년에야 비로소 필로티에게 그림을 배우게 되었고 함께 이탈리아를 여행하기도했다. 이 첫 여행에서 그린 작품들은 자연을 사생한 것들로서 '보잘것없는 사실주의'로 비난받곤 했다. 1862년 독일로 돌아온 직후 바이마르 미술학교의 교수로 임용되었다.
1863~68년에 개인 수집가들을 위해 특히 샤크 백작을 위해 독일·이탈리아·스페인 등지의 미술관과 개인 소장의 걸작품들을 모사하였다. 1868년 이후부터는 초상화에 몰두했으며 남은 여생을 이집트와 로마를 비롯하여 뮌헨·빈·베를린을 오가며 보냈다.<브리태니커>
![]() Clara Wiek Schumann / 1878(영어위키)

[작품 출처] ▶ Franz von Lenbach|작성자 카루오
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