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<나폴레옹 전쟁 당시 장군>랠프 애버크럼비 경

Bawoo 2015. 5. 12. 23:23


랠프 애버크럼비( Sir Ralph Abercromby )

1734. 10. 7 영국 스코틀랜드 클랙매넌 털리바디~ 1801. 3. 28 지중해 해상.
영국 스코틀랜드의 군인.

랠프 애버크럼비


랠프 애버크럼비 경, 영국의 군인

1793년과 1799년에 걸쳐 베넬룩스 3국에서 패한 전투 이후 영국군의 규율과 명망을 회복시켰으며 이집트에서 나폴레옹 보나파르트를 상대로 성공적인 전술을 펼쳤다.

1756년에 군에 입대해 7년 전쟁에 참전했다. 1793년 프랑스 혁명전쟁이 발발했을 때는 플랑드르에서 요크 공작 산하 여단을 지휘했다. 또한 1794년과 1795년에 걸친 겨울에 네덜란드에서 철수하는 군의 퇴각 행렬을 지휘했다. 이후 고국으로 돌아와 바스 기사 작위를 받았으며 서인도 제도에 있는 영국 군대의 지휘관으로 임명되어 그곳에서 프랑스의 슈거 군도를 장악했다.


1800년 스페인의 카디스 급습에 실패한 후 이집트에 잔류한 나폴레옹 군대를 몰아내라는 임무를 받고 이집트로 갔다. 1801년 3월 8일 아부키르 만에 상륙한 애버크럼비는 알렉산드리아를 향해 나아갔다. 프랑스군은 3월 21일 동 트기 전 펼친 공격으로 엄청난 손실과 함께 참패했으나, 애버크럼비는 치명적인 부상을 당했고 전함 푸드로이언트에서 죽음을 맞이해 몰타에 묻혔다. <브리태니커>


Sir Ralph Abercromby KB (sometimes spelt Abercrombie) (7 October 1734 – 28 March 1801) was a Scottish soldier and politician. He rose to the rank of lieutenant-general in the British Army, was noted for his services during the Napoleonic Wars, and served as Commander-in-Chief, Ireland.

He twice served as MP for Clackmannanshire, and he was appointed Governor of Trinidad.




He was the eldest son of George Abercromby of Tullibody, Clackmannanshire, and a brother of the advocate Alexander Abercromby, Lord Abercromby and General Sir Robert Abercromby. He was born at Menstrie Castle, Clackmannanshire.[1] Educated at Rugby and at the University of Edinburgh, he was sent to Leipzig University in 1754 to study civil law with a view to career as an advocate.

Abercromby was a Freemason. He was a member of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge No 2, Edinburgh, Scotland


Seven Years War

On returning from the continent, Abercromby expressed a strong preference for the military profession, and a cornet's commission was accordingly obtained for him (March 1756) in the 3rd Dragoon Guards. He served with his regiment in the Seven Years' War, and thus, the opportunity afforded him of studying the methods of Frederick the Great, who moulded his military character and formed his tactical ideas.


He rose through the intermediate grades to the rank of lieutenant-colonel of the regiment (1773) and brevet colonel in 1780, and in 1781, he became colonel of the King's Irish infantry. When that regiment was disbanded in 1783, he retired upon half pay.


Up to this time, he had scarcely been engaged in active service due to his disapproval of the government's policies and especially to his sympathies for the American colonists in their struggles for independence. His retirement is no doubt to be ascribed to similar feelings. on leaving the army, he took up political life as Member of Parliament for Clackmannanshire.[1] After some time, however, this role proved uncongenial, so he settled at Edinburgh and devoted himself to the education of his children.

War service

When France declared war against Great Britain in 1793, he resumed his duties. He was appointed command of a brigade under the Duke of York for service in the Netherlands, where he commanded the advanced guard in the action at Le Cateau. During the 1794 withdrawal to Holland, he commanded the relief column at the fateful action at Boxtel and was wounded at Nijmegen. In 1795, he was appointed a Knight of the Bath for his services.


That same year, he was appointed to succeed Sir Charles Grey as commander-in-chief of the British forces in the West Indies. In 1796, Grenada was suddenly attacked and taken by a detachment of the army under his orders. Afterwards, Abercromby secured possession of the settlements of Demerara and Essequibo in South America and of the islands of Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Trinidad.

In this part of his career, Abercromby was involved in crushing the revolt of the Garifuna (Carib) people on Saint Vincent, bringing to an end their centuries-long resistance to European colonization. one of Abercromby's officers killed the Garifuna chief, Joseph Chatoyer, on 14 March 1795. While this was a minor campaign on the scale of Abercromby's overall career, it is well remembered up to the present on Saint Vincent, where Chatoyer is revered as a national hero.

A medalion showing the Capture of Trinidad and Tobago by the British in 1797.
Sir Ralph Abercromby, Commander of the British forces that captured Trinidad and Tobago.

On 17 April 1797, Abercromby invaded the island of Puerto Rico with a force of 7,000-13,000 men, which included German mercenary soldiers, Royal Marines, and a 60 to 64 ship armada. Island Governor and Captain General Don Ramón de Castro and his forces, consisting of the mostly Puerto Rican born Regimiento Fijo de Puerto Rico and the Milicias Disciplinadas, repelled the attack.


After two weeks of fierce combat, which included prolonged artillery exchanges and even hand-to-hand combat, Abercromby was unable to overcome San Juan's first line of defence and withdrew. This was to be one of the largest invasions to Spanish territories in the Americas.


Abercromby returned to Europe, and in reward for his important services, was appointed colonel of the regiment of Scots Greys; entrusted with the governments of the Isle of Wight, Fort-George, and Fort-Augustus; and raised to the rank of lieutenant-general. From 1797 to 1798, he was Commander-in-Chief of the forces in Ireland.


To quote the biographic entry in the 1888 Encyclopædia Britannica,


"There he laboured to maintain the discipline of the army, to suppress the rising rebellion, and to protect the people from military oppression, with the care worthy of a great general and an enlightened and beneficent statesman. When he was appointed to the command in Ireland, an invasion of that country by the French was confidently anticipated by the British government. He used his utmost efforts to restore the discipline of an army that was utterly disorganized; and, as a first step, he anxiously endeavoured to protect the people by re-establishing the supremacy of the civil power, and not allowing the military to be called out, except when it was indispensably necessary for the enforcement of the law and the maintenance of order.


Finding that he received no adequate support from the head of the Irish government, and that all his efforts were opposed and thwarted by those who presided in the councils of Ireland, he resigned the command. His departure from Ireland was deeply lamented by the reflecting portion of the people, and was speedily followed by those disastrous results which he had anticipated, and which he so ardently desired and had so wisely endeavoured to prevent."


After holding for a short period the office of commander-in-chief in Scotland, Sir Ralph, when the enterprise against the Dutch Batavian Republic was resolved upon in 1799, was again called to command under the Duke of York. The campaign of 1799 ended in disaster, but friend and foe alike confessed that the most decisive victory could not have more conspicuously proved the talents of this distinguished officer.


In 1801, he was sent with an army to recover the Egypt from France. His experience in the Netherlands and the West Indies particularly fitted him for this new command, as was proved when he carried his army in health, in spirits, and with the requisite supplies to the destined scene of action despite great difficulties. The debarkation of the troops at Abukir, in the face of strenuous opposition, is justly ranked among the most daring and brilliant exploits of the British army.


Death of Gen Sir Ralph Abercrombie by Sir Robert Ker Porter. Abercromby is in the centre and labeled "20."

Abercromby was injured at the Battle of Alexandria on 21 March 1801 and died seven days after

 the battle in HMS Foudroyant, which was moored in the harbour.


His old friend, the commander of the Duke of York, paid a tribute to the soldier's memory in general orders: "His steady observance of discipline, his ever-watchful attention to the health and wants of his troops, the persevering and unconquerable spirit which marked his military career, the splendour of his actions in the field and the heroism of his death, are worthy the imitation of all who desire, like him, a life of heroism and a death of glory." He was buried in the Commandery of the Grand Master, the Knights of St John, Malta.


By a vote of the House of Commons, a monument was erected in his honour in St Paul's Cathedral in Abercromby Square, Liverpool. His widow was created Baroness Abercromby of Tullibody and Aboukir Bay,[1] and a pension of £2,000 a year was settled on her and her two successors in the title.


On 17 November 1767, Abercromby married Mary Anne, daughter of John Menzies and Ann, daughter of Patrick Campbell.[4][5] They had seven children. Of four sons, all four entered Parliament, and two saw military service.

Popular culture

A public house in central Manchester, the 'Sir Ralph Abercromby', is named after him. There is also a "General Abercrombie" pub with his portrait by Hoppner as the sign off of the Blackfriars Bridge Road in London <영어위키백과>

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