플뢰리 [André-Hercule de Fleury]
프랑스의 추기경·총리.
1726~43년 루이 15세 정부를 이끌었다.(André-Hercule de Fleury, Bishop of Fréjus (22 June or 26 June 1653 – 29 January 1743) was a French cardinal who served as the chief minister of Louis XV)
교회세 징수원의 아들로 태어나 신부가 되었다가 1683년 국왕의 구휼품 분배관이 되었고, 1698년에는 프레쥐스 주교로 임명되었다. 루이 14세는 1715년 9월 죽기 직전 플뢰리를 자신의 후계자인 5세 된 증손자(나중에 루이 15세로 즉위함)의 가정교사로 임명했다.
1726년 6월 루이 15세는 플뢰리를 국무장관에 임명하고 왕실회의의 상석을 주기 위해 추기경직을 제수했다. 플뢰리는 단 한 번도 '총리'란 칭호를 취한 적은 없지만, 사실상 총리나 다름없었다. 루이 14세 치하에서 시작한 시민법 편찬사업을 계속 추진하고, 루이 14세가 치른 전쟁으로 인한 엄청난 재정손실을 회복하기 위해 재무개혁을 실시했다.
플뢰리의 주요업적은 대외정책에 있었다. 그는 우선 영국의 총리인 로버트 월폴 경과 긴밀한 공조관계를 형성했으며, 영국과 스페인 사이에 고조되고 있던 긴장을 완화하기 위해 노력했다. 이러한 노력의 결과로 1727년 스페인과 영국 사이에 터진 전쟁이 전유럽 차원의 전쟁으로 발전하는 것을 막을 수 있었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 그는 1731년 이후로 유럽 대륙에 대한 영국의 영향력을 약화시키기 위해 노력했으며 오스트리아와 화해했다.
1733년 오스트리아의 동맹국인 러시아가, 루이 15세의 장인인 스타니수아프 레슈친스키의 폴란드 왕위 요구를 무력으로 진압하면서 플뢰리의 계획은 잠시 동요했다. 주전파의 강요에 의해 플뢰리는 레슈친스키가 오스트리아와 러시아에 대항해서 폴란드 왕위계승전쟁(1733~38)을 수행할 수 있도록 지원했다. 프랑스 군대가 로렌 지방을 점령하고 있었지만, 플뢰리는 영국의 중립을 보장받고 독일과 이탈리아 등지에서 프랑스군의 작전을 제한함으로써 갈등의 폭을 좁혔다.
1738년 플뢰리는 레슈친스키가 폴란드 왕위를 포기하는 대신 로렌 지방의 군주가 되는 조건으로 평화조약을 체결했다(이 협정에 의거해 로렌은 1766년 레슈친스키가 죽자 프랑스에 합병되었음). 또한 외교적 수완을 발휘해 프랑스와 오스트리아의 선린관계를 확보했으며, 유럽 대륙에서 영국의 지배를 차단시켰다. 그러나 1740년 오스트리아의 안정, 더 나아가 유럽의 평화가 신성 로마 황제 카를 6세의 죽음으로 위협받게 되었다.
황제의 딸인 마리아 테레지아가 오스트리아 제국을 승계할 것을 감지한 플뢰리는 프랑스의 종속군주인 바이에른 선제후 카를 알브레히트(신성 로마 황제, 1742~45 재위)가 제위에 오를 수 있도록 힘썼다. 그러나 플뢰리는 너무 늙고 허약해서 이미 샤를 루이 드 벨 릴 육군원수의 영향 아래 있는 주전파와 정렬적인 투쟁을 전개하기에는 역부족이었다. 플뢰리를 딛고 일어선 벨 릴은 1741년 프로이센과 동맹을 맺고 대(對) 오스트리아 전쟁에 참가했다(오스트리아 왕위계승전쟁, 1740~48). 1743년초 플뢰리가 죽을 무렵 프랑스는 전쟁에서 아무런 이득을 볼 수 없다는 것이 명백해졌다.
Life and government
He was born in Lodève, Hérault, the son of a tax farmer of a noble family.[1] He was sent to Paris as a child to be educated by the Jesuits in philosophy and the Classics as much as in theology. He entered the priesthood nevertheless and through the influence of Cardinal Bonzi became almoner to Maria Theresa, queen of Louis XIV, and, after her death, to the king himself. In 1698 he was appointed bishop of Fréjus, but seventeen years in a provincial see eventually determined him to seek a position at court.
In May 1715, a few months before the Sun-King's death, Fleury became tutor to Louis' great-grandson and heir, and in spite of a seeming lack of ambition, he acquired an influence over the child that was never broken, fostered by Louis' love and confidence. on the death of the regent Philippe d'Orléans in 1723, Louis XV came of age. Fleury, although already seventy years of age, deferred his own supremacy by suggesting the appointment of Louis Henri, duke of Bourbon, as first minister. Fleury was present at all interviews between Louis XV and his titular first minister, and on Bourbon's attempt to break through this rule Fleury retired from court. Louis made Bourbon recall the tutor, who on 11 July 1726 took affairs into his own hands and secured the exile from court of Bourbon and of his mistress Madame de Prie. He continued to refuse the formal title of first minister, but his elevation to cardinal, in 1726, confirmed his precedence over any others.
Under the Régence, the Scottish economist John Law had introduced financial measures that were modern for the time: a national bank, easy credit to encourage investors, and paper money exchangeable for gold bullion. Investor overconfidence in the ability to exchange paper money for gold led to wild speculation after 1720, and when the bubble burst, Law and his policies were thoroughly discredited, and French finances were in as dire straits as they had been when Louis XIV died.
Fleury was the right man for the moment; naturally cool and impeturbable in his demeanor, frugal and prudent, he carried these qualities into the administration. In 1726 he fixed the standard of the currency and secured French credit by initiating regular payment of interest on the national debt, with the result that in 1738/39 there was a surplus of 15,000,000 livres instead of the usual deficit. Fleury's stringencies were enforced through the contrôleur général des finances Philibert Orry (who remained in office until 1745). By exacting forced labor from the peasants (see corvée) he improved France's roads, though at the cost of rousing angry discontent.
During the seventeen years of his orderly government, the country found time to recuperate its forces after the exhaustion caused by the ambitions of Louis XIV and extravagances of the regent, and national prosperity increased. Social peace was seriously disturbed by the severities which Fleury exercised against the Jansenists. He was one of the minority of French bishops who published Clement XI's bull Unigenitus and imprisoned priests who refused to accept it, and he met the Jansenist opposition of the Parlement of Paris by exiling forty of its members to a "gilded cage" not far from Paris.
In foreign affairs, the maintenance of peace was a preoccupation he shared with Sir Robert Walpole, and the two old enemies refrained from war during Fleury's ministry. Jacobite sympathizers in France had formed a most un-Masonic secret lodge of Freemasons; their attempts to influence Fleury to support the Stuart faction led instead to raids on their premises, and Fleury urged Pope Clement XII to issue a bull in 1738 that forbade all Roman Catholics to become Freemasons under threat of excommunication.
It was only with reluctance that he supported the ambitious projects of Elizabeth Farnese, queen of Spain, in Italy by guaranteeing in 1729 the succession of Don Carlos to the duchies of Parma and Tuscany. French diplomacy however was losing its military bite. Fleury's cagey double game with the Corsican revolutionaries under the elder Paoli, smuggled arms to the island while assuring the Genoese of French support. Fleury thus began the manipulations that landed Corsica in the arms of France in 1768.
Fleury's economies in the army and navy, as elsewhere, found the nation poorly prepared when in 1733 war was forced upon France. He was compelled by court opinion to support the claims of Louis XV's father-in-law Stanislaus Leszczynski to the Polish crown on the death of Augustus II, against the Russian and Austrian candidate; but the despatch of a French expedition to Gdańsk turned into a humiliation. Fleury was pressed by his advisor Germain Louis Chauvelin to more energetic measures; he concluded a close alliance with the Spanish Bourbons and sent armies against the Austrians twice. Military successes on the Rhine and in Italy secured the favorable terms of the treaty of Vienna (1735–1738).
France had joined with the other powers in guaranteeing the succession of Maria Theresa under the pragmatic sanction. But by a diplomatic quibble, Fleury found an excuse on the death of Charles VI in 1740 for repudiating his engagements, when he found the party of war supreme in the king's counsels. After the disasters of the Bohemian campaign at the outbreak of the War of Austrian Succession he wrote in confidence a humble letter to the Habsburg general, Königsegg, who immediately published it. Fleury disavowed his own letter, and died in Issy-les-Moulineaux, a few days after the French evacuation of Prague on 20 January 1743.
He had enriched the royal library by many valuable oriental manuscripts, and was a member of the Académie française from 1717, of the Academy of Science, and the Academy of Inscriptions.
In the years following Fleury's death, escalating Franco-British skirmishes at sea culminated in a declaration of war with Britain in March 1744, a war he had avoided for so long, a war effectively ending the relatively peaceful period from 1713–1744, a period sometimes referred to the "Thirty Years' Peace" of which Cardinal Dubois and Philippe D'Orléans were the primary architects.
*출처;정보- 책"역사가 기억하는 혁명의 물결 142~144쪽/자료 수집-다음백과 및 영어위키
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