♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/[1800년 ~1819년] 63

[양친이 누군지 모르고 피아노 조율사에게 양육된 프랑스 음악가]]Émile Prudent

Émile Prudent Émile Racine Gauthier Prudent(3 February 1817 – 14 May 1863) was a French pianist and composer. His works number about seventy, and include a piano trio, a concerto-symphony, many character pieces, sets of variations, transcriptions and etudes, in addition to his celebrated fantasies on operatic airs. As a teacher, he was very successful and produc..

[파가니니의 영향을 많이 받은 프랑스 음악가]Charles Dancla

Charles Dancla Charles Dancla (19 December 1817 – 10 October 1907) was a French violinist, composer and teacher. [작품 모음] = Dancla was born in Bagnères-de-Bigorre. When he was nine years old, violinist Pierre Rode in Bordeaux heard his music; he was so impressed that he sent a recommendation letter to Pierre Baillot, Luigi Cherubini and Rodolphe Kreutzer. Thus..

[75세까지 살고서도 무대공포증 때문에 30세에 작곡을 그만 둔 독일 음악가]Adolf von Henselt

Adolf von Henselt Portrait of Adolf von Henselt, with scrap of music(12 May 1814 – 10 October 1889) was a German composer and pianist. [작품 연주 모음] [Life] Henselt was born at Schwabach, in Bavaria. At the age of three he began to learn the violin, and at five the piano under Josepha von Fladt. With financial help from King Ludwig I of Bavaria, he studyied under ..

[쇼팽, 리스트와 친구였던 프랑스 음악가]Charles-Valentin Alkan

Charles-Valentin Alkan Charles-Valentin Alkan, c. 1835. Portrait by Édouard Dubufe (30 November 1813 – 29 March 1888) was a French-Jewish composer and virtuoso pianist. At the height of his fame in the 1830s and 1840s he was, alongside his friends and colleagues Frédéric Chopin and Franz Liszt, among the leading pianists in Paris, a city in which he spent virtually his..