♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/- 4중주(QUARET) 199

한스 에리히 피츠너(Hans Erich Pfitzner) String Quartet in D minor

한스 에리히 피츠너(Hans Erich Pfitzner 한스 에리히 피츠너(Hans Erich Pfitzner, 1869년 5월 5일~1949년 5월 22일)는 독일의 작곡가이다. 최초의 음악 지도는 음악가였던 부친에게서 받았다. 17세 때 프랑크푸르트의 호흐 음악원에 입학하였고, 뒤에 코블렌츠, 베를린의 슈테른 음악원의 교사로 있었고,..

현악 4중주 작곡가 목록[List of string quartet composers]

=======List of string quartet composers ======= This is a list of string quartet composers, chronologically sorted by date of birth and then by surname, whose notability is established by reliable sources. The list is by no means complete. String quartets are written for four string instruments —usually two violins, viola and cello—unless otherwise stated [Contents..

František Škroup - String Quartet No.1, 2, 3

František Škroup (3 June 1801, Osice near Hradec Králové -- 7 February 1862, Rotterdam) Czech composer and conductor. His brother Jan Nepomuk Škroup was also a successful composer and his father, Dominik Škroup, and other brother Ignác Škroup were lesser known composers. String Quartet No.1 in F-major, Op.24 (ca. 1841) dedicated to Ole Bull Mov.I: Allegro animato 00:00 Mov.II: Andante grazioso 0..