♣ 음악 감상실 ♣ 5755

Kufferath, Hubert : Symphony in C Major (Complete version)

Kufferath, Hubert 1818-1896(?) Symphony in C Major (Complete version) 1849- so it's an early 'Romantic' symphnony. Hubert studied with Mendelssohn from 1839 so he would have been aged 21+ and this symphony would have been composed during that time presumably. I see little influence from Mendelssohn. Hubert has an individual voice - his harmonies are often querky but effective. Do give feedback o..

Prinz Louis Ferdinand -Octet in F major, Op. 12 (c. 1805, first publ. c. 1808)

Prince Frederick Louis Christian "Ferdinand" of Prussia (German: Friedrich Ludwig Christian; 18 November 1772 – 10 October 1806), was a Prussian prince, soldier, composer and pianist. Prince Louis Ferdinand fought in the Napoleonic Wars. The 1927 German film Prinz Louis Ferdinand was a biopic of his life. 1Early life 2Military career 3Musical activities 4Musical works 5Family 6Ancestry Octet in ..

Prinz Louis Ferdinand - Piano Quartet No. 1, 2

Prince Frederick Louis Christian "Ferdinand" of Prussia (German: Friedrich Ludwig Christian; 18 November 1772 – 10 October 1806), was a Prussian prince, soldier, composer and pianist. Prince Louis Ferdinand fought in the Napoleonic Wars. The 1927 German film Prinz Louis Ferdinand was a biopic of his life. 1Early life 2Military career 3Musical activities 4Musical works 5Family 6Ancestry Piano Qua..

Anselm Hüttenbrenner - Piano Sonata in E-major, Op.16 (1826)

Anselm Hüttenbrenner (13 October 1794 – 5 June 1868) was an Austrian composer. He was on friendly terms with both Ludwig van Beethoven—he was one of only two people present at his death—and Franz Schubert, his recollections of whom constitute an interesting but probably unreliable document[according to whom?] in Schubertian bioraphical studies. Contents 1Life 2Works, editions and recordings 2.1P..

Maddalena Laura Sirmen (Lombardini) - Violin Concerto No.1, No.5

Maddalena Laura Sirmen (9 December 1745 – 18 May 1818) was an Italian composer, violinist, and later unsuccessful singer. 1Biography 2Works Violin Concerto in B-flat major Op.3 No.1 Il Pomo d'Oro Zefira Valova, violin [00:00] I. Allegro [06:22] II. Andante [08:22] III. Rondo Painting: Portrait of Francis Basset by Pompeo Batoni. 1778 Violin Concerto No.5 in B-flat major Work: Violin Concerto No...

Johann Christian Bach - Oboe Concerto in F-major, T291 (1770)

요한 크리스치안 바흐 Johann Christian Bach 1735. 9. 5 독일 라이프치히~ 1782. 1. 1 영국 런던. 전기 고전주의 시대에 명성을 떨친 작곡가.요한 세바스티안 바흐의 아들이고, 볼프강 아마데우스 모차르트에게 작곡, 기악을 가르친 스승이기도 하다. 바로크 시대의 음악가 요한 제바스티안 바흐와 그의 두 번째 아내 안나 막달레나 바흐 사이에서 태어난 막내 아들이다. 그는 15세때 아버지를 여의게 되고 그의 형제, 자매와 뿔뿔이 흩어지자 자신은 일개 음악가로서 생계를 이어갔다. 그의 음악이 사람들로부터 유명세를 얻게 된것은 이때부터라고 할 수 있으며 이러한 재능을 본 한 이탈리아의 밀라노성당의 주교의 추천으로 젊은 시절에는 이탈리아의 밀라노에서 활동을 하였다. 1762년 이후에 런던..

Edouard Lalo - Cello Concerto in d minor

[Lalo in 1891(engraving by Richard Paraire] Édouard-Victoire-Antoine Lalo (27 January 1823 – 22 April 1892) was a French composer. His most celebrated piece is the Symphonie espagnole, a five-movement concerto for violin and orchestra, which remains a popular work in the standard repertoire. 〈스페인 교향곡 Symphonie espagnole〉과 명료한 관현악법으로 유명하다. 스페인계 군인집안에서 태어나 1839년 무일푼으로 파리로 가서 파리 음악원에서 프랑수아 아브네크에게 바..

Josef Gabriel Rheinberger - Piano Concerto in A flat Major Op. 94

Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (17 March 1839 – 25 November 1901) was a Liechtensteiner organist and composer, resident in Germany for most of his life. Contents 1Life 2Compositions 요제프 라인베르거:요제프 가브리엘 라인베르거(Josef Gabriel Rheinberger, 1839년 3월 17일 ~ 1901년 11월 25일)는 리히텐슈타인 태생의 오르가니스트이자 작곡가이다. 대부분의 생애를 독일에서 보냈다. 요제프 라인베르거는 리히텐슈타인 대공의 재무관의 아들로 태어났다...[위키백과] 위키백과 Piano Concerto in A flat Major Op. 94 Bein..

Johannes Matthias Sperger - Viola Concerto in D Major

Johannes Matthias Sperger, also often Johann, (Czech: Jan Matyáš Sperger; 23 March 1750 – 13 May 1812) was an Austrian double bassist and composer. Viola Concerto in D Major 00:00 First Movement 08:32 Second Movement 16:26 Third Movement Kurpfälzisches Kammerorchester conducted by Jiri Malát with violist Vidor Nagy Wilhelm Schütze (1840-1898) - The Posy. Sperger was born in Feldsberg,[1] and tra..