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Joseph Haydn - Paris symphonies

Bawoo 2020. 5. 28. 21:30

Joseph Haydn 


Joseph Haydn - Wikipedia

Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn[a] (; German: [ˈfʁants ˈjoːzɛf ˈhaɪdn̩] (listen); 31 March[b] 1732 – 31 May 1809) was an Austrian composer of the Classical period. He was instrumental in the development of chamber music such as the piano tr


Paris symphonies


파리 교향곡 또는 파리 교향곡집요제프 하이든1785년1786년에 작곡한 여섯 개의 교향곡을 부르는 이름이다. 드니 백작의 제안으로, 지휘자인 생 조르즈의 의뢰로 파리의 콩세르 드라 로쥐 올랭피크 오케스트라가 연주하기 위해 작곡된 작품들이다.[The Paris symphonies are a group of six symphonies written by Joseph Haydn commissioned by the Chevalier de Saint-Georges, music director of the orchestra the Concert de la Loge Olympique, on behalf of its sponsor, Count D'Ogny, Grandmaster of the Masonic Loge Olympique. Beginning on January 11, 1786 the symphonies were performed by the Olympique in the Salle des Gardes du Corps of the Tuileries, conducted by Saint-Georges.]


하이든의 작품은 이미 1780년대 초 파리에 알려진 것으로 보인다. 1781년 5월에 하이든은 빈의 출판업자인 알타리아에게 보낸 편지에 다음과 같이 적고 있다. ‘이곳 파리에서 무언가를 쓰고 있습니다. 콩세르 스피리튀엘의 지휘자 르 그로씨가 저의 〈스타바트 마테르〉가 4회나 연주되어 최고의 갈채를 받았다는 엄청난 찬사를 적어 보냈습니다. 이 신사들은 곡의 출판도 허가해 달라고 합니다. (이하 생략).’ 프랑스 출판업자들의 하이든 작품의 출판에 관한 편지(1783)도 현재까지 남아있다. 당시 파리에는 르 그로가 지휘하는 콩세르 스피리튀엘과 생 조르즈(Le ch. J-B de Saint-Georges, 1739~1799)가 지휘하는 콩세르 데 자마뒤르가 있었다. 이 관현악단은 1769년에 설립되었는데 1781에 재정상의 이유로 해산되었다. ‘신 하이든 전집’(JHW, 교향곡 제12권, 1970년)에 의하면 두 단체의 관현악단이 합쳐져서 새로운 관현악단이 만들어졌다고 한다. 그 모체가 된 콩세르 드라 로쥐 올랭피크는 콩세르 데 자마뒤르의 후신이었다. 이 관현악단의 유력한 후원자인 드니 백작의 제안으로, 지휘자인 생 조르즈가 하이든에게 이 관현악단을 위해 새로운 교향곡을 의뢰했다고 19세기 하이든의 전기작가 H. 발브데트는 전하고 있다. 그러나 〈파리 교향곡〉의 작곡 상황을 전해주는 자료는 남아있지 않다. R. 랜던은 1963년 전집판의 서문에서 파리의 출판업자들과 하이든의 교섭이 이루어진 것이 1784년 내지 1785년 초라고 추측하고 있다.

〈파리 교향곡〉은 ‘신 하이든 전집’에 따르면 1785년에 '87번', ‘85번’, ‘83번’, 3곡이 작곡되었고, 다음 해인 1786년에 ‘84번’, ‘86번’, ‘82번’의 3곡이 작곡되었다. 이 곡의 순서는 1787년 2월에 하이든이 빈의 알타리아에게 보낸, 출판에 관한 내용을 적은 편지에서 밝혀진 것으로 더 이상 확실한 근거는 없다. 1785년 3곡과 1786년 ‘84번’의 관악기 편성은 플루트1, 오보에2, 바순2, 호른2,로 당시 에스테르하지가의 악단과 같은 규모이다. 그러나 마지막 2곡인(86번, 82번)에서는 팀파니가 추가되었고, 82번에서는 2대의 트럼펫도 포함되어 최대 편성이 되었다.

[Parisians had long been familiar with Haydn's symphonies, which were being printed in Paris as early as 1764. H. C. Robbins Landon writes: "All during the early 1780s Haydn's symphonies were performed at the various Parisian concerts with unvarying success, and numerous publishing houses — among them Guera in Lyon, Sieber, Boyer, Le Duc and Imbault in Paris, etc. — issued every new symphonic work by Haydn as soon as they could lay hands on a copy."[2]

The work was composed for a large Parisian orchestra called Le Concert de la loge Olympique (Orchestra of the 'Olympic' (Masonic) Lodge). This organization consisted in part of professionals and in part of skilled amateurs. It included 40 violins and ten double basses, an extraordinary size of orchestra for the time. (Haydn's own ensemble at Eszterháza was never larger than about 25 total.)[3] According to Robbins Landon, "The musicians wore splendid 'sky-blue' dress coats with elaborate lace ruffles, and swords at their sides." They performed in a large theater with boxes in tiers. The performances were patronized by royalty, including Queen Marie Antoinette, who particularly enjoyed the Symphony No. 85, giving rise to its nickname.

The individual responsible for commissioning the symphonies from Haydn was Claude-François-Marie Rigoley, Comte d'Ogny (i.e., Count of Ogny), an aristocrat still in his twenties (his life dates were 1757-1790). The Count, who played in the cello section of the orchestra, was the Intendant Général des Postes (postal service superintendent) and grew up in a very musical household. His father kept a great collection of musical manuscripts, used as the library of the Concert des Amateurs dissolved in 1781, and its successor, the Concert Olympique. Patronage of music may have been an extravagance for the Count, since at his death he left a huge debt of 100,000 livres.

The actual negotiations with Haydn were carried out at Ogny's request by Joseph Bologne the Chevalier de Saint-Georges, celebrated conductor of the Loge Olympique orchestra. Haydn was paid 25 louis d'or for each symphony plus 5 louis for the French publication rights; the sum was apparently very satisfactory from Haydn's point of view, since the lack of copyright laws had generally prevented him from profiting much from his popularity as a composer.

Symphonies 85-87 were given a new publication soon after in Britain in 1788, from the company Longman & Broderip, re-dedicated to the Duke of York and given opus 52.[4]]


The symphonies are:


According to the composer Giuseppe Maria Cambini,[5] who participated in the orchestra, the finest musicians in Paris performed in the premieres of the symphonies, and received them with "rapture". Edited by Saint-Georges, the symphonies were published in Paris by Sieber.[6] The works were very popular with public and press, and were soon published in London and Vienna.

The anonymous critic of the Mercure de France particularly praised Haydn's ability to write "monothematic" sonata expositions (as they are now called; see sonata form): "this vast genius, who in each one of his pieces knows how to draw developments so rich and varied from a unique theme (sujet)—very different from those sterile composers who pass continually from one idea to another for lack of knowing how to present one idea in varied forms".[7]

Modern critics also appreciate the works. Robbins Landon calls them "a remarkable fusion of brilliance, elegance, and warmth." Charles Rosen writes "There is not a measure, even the most serious, of these great works which is not marked by Haydn's wit; and his wit has now grown so powerful and so efficient that it has become a sort of passion, a force at once omnivorous and creative."[8]