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Tchaikovsky-장르별 작품 목록[Works by genre]

Bawoo 2020. 11. 15. 19:27


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

장르별 작품 목록[Works by genre]




Concertos and concertante pieces[edit]

Other orchestral works[edit]

  • Ode an die Freude (Schiller), für SATB Solo, SATB und großes Orchester (1865)

Program music and commissioned pieces[edit]

Orchestral suites and Serenade[edit]

Incidental music[edit]

  • Dmitri the Pretender and Vassily Shuisky (1867), incidental music to Alexander Ostrovsky's play Dmitri the Pretender
  • The Snow Maiden (Snegurochka), Op. 12 (1873), incidental music for Ostrovsky's play of the same name. Ostrovsky adapted and dramatized a popular Russian fairy tale,[4] and the score that Tchaikovsky wrote for it was always one of his own favorite works. It contains much vocal music, but it is not a cantata or an opera.
  • Montenegrins Receiving News of Russia's Declaration of War on Turkey (1880), music for a tableau.
  • The Voyevoda (1886), incidental music for the Domovoy scene from Ostrovsky's A Dream on the Volga
  • Hamlet, Op. 67b (1891), incidental music for Shakespeare's play. The score uses music borrowed from Tchaikovsky's overture of the same name, as well as from his Symphony No. 3, and from The Snow Maiden, in addition to original music that he wrote specifically for a stage production of Hamlet. The two vocal selections are a song that Ophelia sings in the throes of her madness and a song for the First Gravedigger to sing as he goes about his work.


  • Two Pieces, Op. 1 (1867)
  • Souvenir de Hapsal, Op. 2, 3 pieces (1867)
  • Valse-caprice in D major, Op. 4 (1868)
  • Romance in F minor, Op. 5 (1868)
  • Valse-scherzo in A, Op. 7 (1870)
  • Capriccio in G, Op. 8 (1870)
  • 3 Morceaux, Op. 9 (1870)
    • 1. Rêverie
    • 2. Polka de salon
    • 3. Mazurka de salon
  • 2 Morceaux, Op. 10 (1871)
    • 1. Nocturne
    • 2. Humoresque
  • 6 Pieces, Op. 19 (1873)
    • 1. Rêverie du soir [Вечерние грезы] (G minor)
    • 2. Scherzo humoristique [Юмористическое скерцо] (D major)
    • 3. Feuillet d'album [Листок из альбом] (D major)
    • 4. Nocturne [Ноктюрн] (C minor)
    • 5. Capriccioso [Каприччиозо] (B major)
    • 6. Thème original et variations [Тема и вариации] (F major)
  • 6 Morceaux, Op. 21 (1873)
  • The Seasons (Les saisons), Op. 37a (1876), 12 pieces
  • Piano Sonata in G major, Op. 37 (1878)
  • Album pour enfants, Op. 39, 24 pieces for piano (1878)
  • 12 Morceaux de difficulté moyenne, Op. 40 (1878)
  • Six Morceaux, Op. 51 (1882)
  • Dumka, Russian rustic scene in C minor for piano, Op. 59 (1886)
  • 18 Morceaux for piano, Op. 72 (1892). Some of these pieces were used in a cello concerto arrangement by Gaspar Cassadó.
  • Piano Sonata No. 2 in C minor, Op. posth. 80 (1865)

Chamber music[edit]

Choral music[edit]

A considerable quantity of choral music (about 25 items), including: