Memphis Riot of 1866
Part of the Reconstruction Era
Illustration of an attack on black Memphians. Harper's Weekly, 26 May 1866
멤피스 인종폭동[Memphis Race Riot]
미국 남북전쟁이 끝난 뒤 테네시의 멤피스에서 다수 백인들이 흑인 주민들을 공격한 사건(1866. 5).
패전에 아랑곳하지 않는 남부인들의 비타협적 태도뿐 아니라 새로 자유를 얻은 흑인들과 시민적·사회적 권리를 함께 나눌 생각이 없다는 것을 보여주는 사건이었다. 애퍼매턱스에서 남군이 항복한(1865. 4. 9) 지 약 1년이 지난 뒤 벌어진 이 사건으로 46명의 흑인들(이들 중 대부분은 북군 제대병들이었음)이 살해당하고, 70명 이상이 부상했으며, 5명의 흑인 여성이 강간을 당하고, 12군데의 교회와 4군데의 학교가 불에 탔다.
이러한 이유없는 폭력사건으로 미국의회 내에서는 자유를 얻은 흑인 노예들에 대한 동정의 감정이 일어 이들을 위한 법적인 안전 보장책이 강구되었다. 그결과 수정헌법 제14조가 통과되었다(1866. 6. 13).[글:다음백과 | Daum/사진:영어위키]
The Memphis massacre of 1866[1] was a series of violent events that occurred from May 1 to 3, 1866 in Memphis, Tennessee. The racial violence was ignited by political, social, and racial tensions following the American Civil War, in the early stages of Reconstruction.[2] After a shooting altercation between white policemen and black veterans recently mustered out of the Union Army, mobs of white residents and policemen rampaged through black neighbourhoods and the houses of freedmen, attacking and killing black soldiers and civilians and committing many acts of robbery and arson.
Federal troops were sent to quell the violence and peace was restored on the third day. A subsequent report by a joint Congressional Committee detailed the carnage, with blacks suffering most of the injuries and deaths by far: 46 black and 2 white people were killed, 75 black people injured, over 100 black persons robbed, 5 black women raped, and 91 homes, 4 churches and 8 schools (every black church and school) burned in the black community.[3] Modern estimates place property losses at over $100,000, suffered mostly by black people. Many black people fled the city permanently; by 1870, their population had fallen by one quarter compared to 1865.
Public attention following the riots and reports of the atrocities, together with the New Orleans massacre of 1866 in July, strengthened the case made by Radical Republicans in U.S. Congress that more had to be done to protect freedmen in the Southern United States and grant them full rights as citizens.[4] The events influenced the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which granted full citizenship to African Americans, as well as the Reconstruction Act, which established military districts and oversight in certain states.[5]
Investigation of the riot suggested specific causes related to competition in the working class for housing, work, and social space: Irish immigrants and their descendants competed with freedmen in all these categories. The white planters wanted to drive freedmen out of Memphis and back to plantations, to support cotton cultivation with their labour. The violence was a way to enforce social order after the end of slavery.
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