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[스크랩] 베토벤 : `命名祝日`서곡 (Name Day Overture in C,Op.115)

Bawoo 2014. 4. 4. 15:46

베토벤 : '命名祝日'서곡

Overture to 'Namensfeier(Name Day )' op.115 



Ludwig Van Beethoven-Name Day Overture in C,Op.115

Herbert Von Karajan(Cond)Berliner Philharmoniker



베토벤 : '命名祝日'서곡

Name Day Overture in C,Op.115

Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770~1827)독일


베토벤의 작품 중 많이 알려지지 않았지만, 작품번호에서 느낄 수 있듯이 이 곡을 유

심히 들어 볼 필요가 있습니다. 작곡의 해가 1814년이면 베토벤의 원숙기입니다. 초

더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

고에 「1814년 10월 1일-우리 황제 폐하 命名日 밤」이라 씌어있는 것이 계기가 되어 이러한 표제가 붙게 되었는데, 당시 오스트리아의 황제 프란츠 2세의 명명일은 10월 4일이며, 그 때 마침 비인 회의가 열리고 있던 중이어서 성대한 축전이 거행되었다. 그러나 이 서곡이 연주된 것 같지는 않다. 전곡은 마에스토소(C장조 4/4)의 서주와 알레그로 앗사이 바바체(C장조 6/8 소나타형식)의 主部로 이루어져 있으며, 그 제1, 제2주제와 더불어 그가 실러의 「환희의 송가」에 작곡했던 주제라는 것이 그의 메모장에 의해 증명되었으며, 이것은 매우 흥미있는 일이다.


Namensfeier (Name-Day Celebration) Overture for orchestra in C major, Op. 115


Description by John Palmer 

Beethoven's concert overture, Namensfeier (Name Day) received its first performance on December 25, 1815, at a charity concert in the Redoutensaal of Vienna's Hofburg. It was not published until April 1825, by Steiner in Vienna, with a dedication to Prince Anton Heinrich Radziwill (1775-1833), an amateur composer who met Beethoven while in Vienna for the Congress in 1814-15. Radziwill also received the dedication of the Twenty-Five Scottish Songs, Op. 108. Having written the Namensfeier overture in honor of the Kaiser's birthday, Beethoven hoped the piece would rekindle his temporaily flagging popularity, but he had no such luck. The piece did not please then, nor at later performances in London, and it is rarely heard today. Patriotic and ceremonial requirements rarely brought out Beethoven's best, for his was a profoundly individualistic soul.


The overture took its title from Beethoven's intention of having it performed on the name-day festival of Emperor Franz of Austria, on October 4, 1814. Beethoven did not get the work together in time, and Fidelio was chosen for the evening's entertainment instead. Beethoven set the overture aside, eventually completing it in March 1815. Many of the ideas in the overture were sketched several years earlier as Beethoven pursued one of his several attempts at setting Schiller's "Ode to Joy."


The fortissimo opening C major chord, for the full orchestra, is clearly meant to seize people's attention. Stately dotted rhythms in a Maestoso tempo, reminiscent of a French overture, lead to quiet melodic passage, first in the horns, later in the violins. With the onset of an Allegro tempo and 6/8 time begins a sonata-form structure. The bassoons play the first theme, the tail end of which quickly spreads throughout the orchestra. While the first theme group and transitional material are generally the property of the woodwinds, the dolce G major secondary theme is entrusted to the first violins and viola and is immediately echoed in the flute. The development section is brief and not overly adventurous, and the recapitulation follows the expected path, although with re-orchestrated passages and slight variations on exposition material. A more rousing close would be difficult to find in the music of Beethoven. Beethoven felt the Overture did "not belong to my best and great works," and it is easy to hear why. Nothing particularly inventive occurs in the piece, which, at moments, verges on the bombastic. Namesnfeier was not composed for the ages, but for the moment, and has not enjoyed success in either category.








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