♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/[1820년 ~1839년]

[독일]Friedrich Gernsheim

Bawoo 2014. 9. 30. 20:18



Friedrich Gernsheim


Friedrich Gernsheim (17 July 1839 – 10 September 1916) was a German composer, conductor and pianist.


Friedrich Gernsheim (1839-1916)은 독일출신의 작곡가이자 지휘자 였으며 피아니스트이기도 하였다..최초 음악적 트레이닝을 고향인 Worms에서 어머니의 보살핌속에서 받았으며, 이후 7살 무렵부터  Louis Spohr의 제자 가운데 한사람으로 당시 Worms의 음악 감독이기도 했던  Louis Liebe에게 배웠다..Gernsheim의

아버지는 저명한 유대계 내과의사였으며, 1848년 유럽혁명이 일어나던 해에 Frankfurt am Main으로 이사를 하였다..이곳에서 역시 유대계혈통의 작곡가이자 피아니스트였던  Jakob Rosenhain의 형제 Edward Rosenhain에게 배웠다.

1850년 콘서트 피아니스트로서 데뷔하였고, 두 시즌동안 투어 연주를 하였다.

이후 Leipzig에 가족과 함께 정주하고 1852년부터 이곳에서 Ignaz Moscheles 로부터 피아노를 배웠다..1855년부터 1860년 까지 파리에 체류하는동안 Gioacchino Rossini, Edouard Lalo, Camille Saint-Saens 등과 만나 음악적인 교류와 친분을 나누었다..1861년 Hermann Levi의 은퇴로 인해 공석이되었던 Saarbrücken의 지휘자직을 맡았으며, 1865년에는  Ferdinand Hiller 의 요청으로  Cologne 음악원의 임원으로서   Cologne 에 체류하였으며, 이후 1874-1890까지 Philharmonic Society of Rotterdam의 음악 감독을 지냈다..Cologne 음악원 재직 시절 가르쳤던 제자 가운데 한사람이 Engelbert Humperdinck이다..이듬해 Berlin의  Stern Conservatory 의 교수가되었고, 1897년에는 Academy of Arts에서 가르쳤으며, 동년 그곳의 이사회의 임원이되었다..


Gernsheim 은 다작작곡가였으며, 특별히 관현악과 실내악 , 기악 그리고 노래 등이 그의 작품의 중심에 있다..몇몇 그의 작품들은 그의 태생적인 배경을 반영하듯 유대를 주제를 반영하고있는데, 특히 저명한 3번 교향곡은 Song of Miriam에 대한 전설을 근간으로 한것이다..그의 초기 작품들은 흔히 슈만 Schumann의 영향을 반영한 것이며, 1868년부터 브람스와 친분을 갖게되면서 브람스에 대한 영향이 매우 명백하게 반영되기 시작하였다..그의 4곡의 교향곡은 브람스적 스타일이 동시대의 재능있는 작곡가에 의하여  호의적으로 수용된 흥미로운 예 가운데 하나이다..특히  Zu einem Drama (1902)로 대표되는 말년의 작품들은 그의 음악이 보다 개인적이고 개성적인 방향으로 진화하고 있음을 보여주고있다..



 *  Symphony No.1 in G-minor, Op.32 (1875)

Work: Symphony No.1 in G-minor, Op.32 "Seiner theuren Mutter" (1875) scored for 2 flutes,


2 oboes, 2 clarinets (B♭), 2 bassoons , 4 horns (2 in E♭/2 in F), 2 trumpets (D), 3 trombones,


2 timpani, strings

Mov.I: Allegro moderato 00:00
Mov.II: Larghetto 10:00
Mov.III: Scherzo: Vivace 18:35
Mov.IV: Allegro moderato assai 26:11

Orchestra: Rheinland-Pfalz State Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Siegfried Köhler






*  Symphony No.2 in E-flat major, Op.46 (1882)

Work: Symphony No.2 in E-flat major, Op.42 (1882) 2 Flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets (B♭),


2 Bassoons, 4 Horns (E♭/F), 2 Trumpets (E♭/C), 3 Trombones, Timpani,


Percussion (Triangle, Tambourine), Strings

Mov.I: Allegro tranquillo 00:00
Mov.II: Tarantella. Molto allegro e con fuoco 11:22
Mov.III: Notturno. Andante 15:42
Mov.IV: Finale. Poco animato e sempre più - Allegro 21:19

Orchestra: Rheinland-Pfalz State Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor: Siegfried Köhler






* Symphony No.3 in C-minor, Op.54 "Mirjam" (1887/ 48세)

Work: Symphony No.3 in C-minor, Op.54 "Mirjam" (1887) 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (B♭/A),


2 bassoons, contrabassoon (or tuba), 4 horns (F/E), 2 trumpets (C/E), 3 trombones, timpani, harp, strings

Mov.I: Allegro ma non troppo 00:00
Mov.II: Molto adagio 10:59
Mov.III: Molto vivace 17:38
Mov.IV: Allegro con brio 21:43

Orchestra: Rheinland-Pfalz State Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor: Siegfried Köhler






* Symphony No.4 in B-flat major, Op.62 (1895/ 56세)

Work: Symphony No.4 in B-flat major, Op.62 (1895) 2 Flutes, 2 Oboes, English Horn, 2 Clarinets (B♭), Bass Clarinet (B♭), 2 Bassoons, 4 Horns (F), 2 Trumpets (B♭), 3 Trombones, Timpani, Strings

Mov.I: Allegro 00:00
Mov.II: Andante sostenuto 10:59
Mov.III: Vivace scherzando e con grazia 18:54
Mov.IV: Allegro con spirito e giocoso 22:28

Orchestra: Rheinland-Pfalz State Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor: Siegfried Köhler






===============Piano Concerto Op.16 =====================




Divertimento for Flute and Strings in E Major, Op. 53

Gernsheim was born in Worms. He was given his first musical training at home under his mother's care, then starting from the age of seven under Worms' musical director, Louis Liebe, a former pupil of Louis


Spohr. His father, a prominent Jewish physician, moved the family to Frankfurt am Main in the aftermath of the year of revolutions, 1848, where he studied with Edward Rosenhain, brother of Jakob Rosenhain.[1]


He made his first public appearance as a concert pianist in 1850 and toured for two seasons, then settled with his family in Leipzig, where he studied piano with Ignaz Moscheles from 1852. He spent the years 1855–1860 in Paris, meeting Gioachino Rossini, Édouard Lalo and Camille Saint-Saëns.


His travels afterwards took him to Saarbrücken, where in 1861 he took the conductor post vacated by Hermann Levi; to Cologne, where in 1865 Ferdinand Hiller appointed him to the staff of the Conservatory (his pupils there included Engelbert Humperdinck and Carl Lachmund); he then served as musical director of the Philharmonic Society of Rotterdam, 1874-1890. In the latter year he became a teacher at the Stern Conservatory in Berlin, and in 1897 moved there to teach at the Academy of Arts, where he was elected to the senate in 1897. In 1877 he married Helene Hernsheim from Karlsruhe.


Gernsheim was a prolific composer, especially of orchestral, chamber and instrumental music, and songs. Some of his works tend to Jewish subject-matter, notably the Third Symphony on the legend of the Song of Miriam.


 His earlier works show the influence of Schumann, and from 1868, when he first became friendly with Brahms, a Brahmsian influence is very palpable. Gernsheim's four symphonies (the first of which was written before the publication of Brahms' First Symphony) are an interesting example of the reception of Brahmsian style by a sympathetic and talented contemporary.


Gernsheim's last works, most notably his Zu einem Drama (1902), show him moving away from that into something more personal. He died in Berlin.

Due to his Jewish background, his work was banned in Nazi Germany, and his papers and a biography written by him on K. Holl were removed from music libraries.[2]


* Of these works, the symphonies, the cello concerto, the first cello sonata, the piano trios, two of the piano quartets, the two piano quintets, the violin sonatas,[12] and the second string quartet have to date been recorded