♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/[1820년 ~1839년]

[항가리-오스트리아 제국]Karl Goldmark

Bawoo 2015. 2. 9. 15:20


Karl Goldmark


1830. 5. 18 헝가리 케스트헬리~ 1915. 1. 2 빈. 오스트리아-헝가리 제국의 작곡가.


오페라 〈시바의 여왕 Die Königin von Saba〉은 19세기말에 대단한 인기를 얻었다.

가난한 유대인 성가대 지휘자의 아들로 태어났고 빈에서 G. 뵘에게 바이올린, G. 플라이어에게 음악이론을 배웠으며, 작곡은 독학했다. 1860년 최고 성공작인 〈사쿤탈라 Sakuntala〉 서곡, 1875년 오페라 〈시바의 여왕〉을 각각 발표하였고 점차 피아노 교사와 비평가로 알려지기 시작했다.


그밖의 작품으로는 대표작 〈화롯가의 귀뚜라미 Das Heimchen am Herd〉(1896, 디킨스의 작품에서 따옴)를 비롯한 오페라 5곡과


=================바이올린 협주곡 2곡=======================,


======================교향곡 2곡==========================

실내악곡 등이 있다. 드보르자크의 제자였던 조카 루빈 골트마르크(1872~1936)는 아론 코플랜드와 조지 거슈윈을 가르쳤고, 1924년부터는 줄리어드 스쿨에서 작곡과 학과장으로 재직했다.


Karl Goldmark's nephew Rubin Goldmark (1872–1936), a pupil of Dvořák, was also a composer, who spent his career in New York.

Goldmark died in Vienna and  buried in the Zentralfriedhof (Central Cemetery), along with many other notable composers


His Violin Concerto No. 1 in A minor, Op. 28, was once his most frequently played piece. The concerto had its premiere in Bremen in 1877, initially enjoyed great popularity and then slid into obscurity. A very romantic work, it has a Magyar march in the first movement and passages reminiscent of Dvořák and Mendelssohn in the second and third movements. It has started to re-enter the repertoire, through recordings by such prominent violin soloists as Itzhak Perlman and Joshua Bell. Nathan Milstein also championed the work and Milstein's recording of the Concerto (1963) is widely considered the definitive one. Goldmark wrote a second violin concerto, but it was never published.

A second symphony in E-flat, Op. 35,is much less well-known. (Goldmark also wrote an early symphony in C major, between roughly 1858 and 1860. This work was never given an opus number, and only the scherzo seems to have ever been published.)


Goldmark's chamber music, in which the influences of Schumann and Mendelssohn are

paramount, although critically well received in his lifetime, is now rarely heard. It includes the String Quintet in A minor Op. 9 that made his first reputation in Vienna, the Violin Sonata in D major Op. 25, two Piano Quintets in B-flat major, Op. 30 and C-sharp minor, Op. 54, the Cello Sonata Op. 39, and the work that first brought Goldmark's name into prominence in the Viennese musical world, the String Quartet in B-flat Op. 8 (his only work in that genre)


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