Édouard Lalo
프랑스의 작곡가. 릴 출생. 에스파냐계 혈통으로, 고향의 학교에서 바이올린과 첼로를 배우고 1839년 파리음악원에 입학해 바이올린과 작곡을 공부했다. 48∼49년 가곡을 출판하여 실내악곡도 만들었으나 인정받지 못했다. 55년부터 아르맹고 현악 4 중주단의 비올라주자로서 연주활동을 시작했고, 65년부터 다시 작곡에 착수했다. 67년 테아트르 리릭 콩쿠르에 응모한 오페라 《피에스크(Fiesque)》가 3위로 입상했다.
그 중 발레음악은 《디베르티스망(Divertissement)》이라는 이름으로 콩세르 포퓔레르에서 연주되어 높
은 평가를 받았다. 74년 바이올린 협주곡F장조가 사라사테에 의해 초연되었고, 다음해에 다시 사라사테에
콩세르나시오날에서 초연되어 모두 성공을 거두었다.
82년 발레음악 《나무나(Namouna)》가 오페라극장에서 초연되었으나 15회 공연으로 중단되고, 다시
5악장의 모음곡으로 개작하여 호평받았다.
1887년 〈교향곡 G단조 Symphony in G Minor〉를, 1888년에는 오페라 〈이스의 임금님 Le Roi d'Ys〉의 결정판을 발표했다. 역시 후대에 영향을 준 바 있는 실내악으로는 현악 4중주, 3개의 3중주==,
피아노 소나타, 바이올린 소나타, 첼로소나타가 있고, 바이올린 협주곡, 피아노협주곡
==================== 첼로협주곡====================
그의 음악은 슈만, 베버와 유사한 점이 있기는 하나 매우 독창적인 재능의 산물이다.88년 오페라 《이스의 임금님(Le roi d"Ys)》이 오페라 코미크에서 초연되었다.
랄로의 음악은 당시의 일반적인 프랑스 취향과 달리 이국적 감정과 대담한 악상, 원색에 가까운 화려한 색채감이 있다. 《에스파냐 교향곡》은 19세기에 시작되는 에스파냐 취미의 선구가 되었으며 《나무나》의 관현악법은 드뷔시에게 적지 않은 영향을 준 것으로 알려졌다.
Lalo was born in Lille (Nord), in northernmost France. He attended that city's conservatoire in his youth. Then, beginning at age 16, Lalo studied at the Paris Conservatoire under François Antoine Habeneck. Habeneck conducted student concerts at the Conservatoire from 1806 onwards and became the founding conductor of the Orchestre de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire in 1828. (Berlioz, in his memoirs, denounced Habeneck for incompetence in conducting Berlioz's own Requiem.)
For several years, Lalo worked as a string player and teacher in Paris. In 1848, he joined with friends to found the Armingaud Quartet, playing viola and later second violin. Lalo's earliest surviving compositions are songs and chamber works (two early symphonies were destroyed).
Julie Besnier de Maligny, a contralto from Brittany, became his bride in 1865. She aroused Lalo's early interest in opera and led him to compose works for the stage, of which Le Roi d'Ys is the most notable. Unfortunately, these works were never really popular; despite their originality, they incurred considerable criticism for being allegedly too progressive and Wagnerian. This led Lalo to dedicate most of his career to the composition of chamber music, which was gradually coming into vogue for the first time in France, and works for orchestra.
Although Lalo is not one of the most immediately recognized names in French music, his distinctive style has earned him some degree of popularity. Symphonie espagnole for violin and orchestra still enjoys a prominent place in the repertoire of violinists and is known in many classical circles simply as "The Lalo". Every now and then Lalo's Cello Concerto in D minor is revived. His Symphony in G minor was a favorite of Sir Thomas Beecham (who recorded it) and has been occasionally championed by later conductors too.
Lalo's idiom is notable for strong melodies and colourful orchestration, with a rather Germanic solidity that distinguishes him from other French composers of his era. Such works as the Scherzo in D minor, one of Lalo's most colorful pieces, might be considered appropriate embodiments of his distinctive style and strong expressive bent.
The aforementioned Le roi d'Ys, an opera based on the Breton legend of Ys, is Lalo's most complex and ambitious creation. (This same legend inspired Claude Debussy to compose his famous piano piece, La cathédrale engloutie.) For many years Le Roi d'Ys was considered unperformable, and it was not staged until 1888, when Lalo was 65 years old. Eight years earlier, he became a member of the Legion of Honour. He died in Paris in 1892, leaving several unfinished works, and was interred at the Père Lachaise Cemetery.
Lalo's son Pierre (6 September 1866 – 9 June 1943) was a music critic who wrote for Le Temps and other French periodicals from 1898 until his death.
Popular culture
In 1962, composer Maurice Jarre used a theme from Lalo's Piano Concerto for the exotic score to Lawrence of Arabia.
The American science fiction television series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, makes reference to a "U.S.S. Lalo" in two different episodes, "We'll Always Have Paris" and "The Best of Both Worlds".
'♣ 음악 감상실 ♣ > [1820년 ~1839년]' 카테고리의 다른 글
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