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List of compositions by Ludwig van Beethoven



The musical works of Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827) are listed below. Two overlapping lists

 of Beethoven's works are presented here. The first is a listing of his best-known works classified by genre. The second is a larger list of works, classified by various numbering systems. Years in parentheses denote dates of composition or publication.


The most common methods of numbering Beethoven's works are by opus number, assigned by Beethoven's publishers during his lifetime, and by number within genre. For example, the 14th string quartet, published as Opus 131, may be referenced either as "String Quartet No. 14" or "the Opus 131 String Quartet".


List of works by genre

Beethoven, caricatured by J. P. Lyser

Orchestral music

Beethoven wrote nine symphonies, nine concertos, and a variety of other orchestral music, ranging from overtures and incidental music for theatrical productions to other miscellaneous "occasional" works, written for a particular occasion. Of the concertos, seven are widely known (one violin concerto, five piano concertos, and one triple concerto for violin, piano, and cello); the other two are an unpublished early piano concerto (WoO 4) and an arrangement of the Violin Concerto for piano and orchestra (Opus 61a).


  • Opus 21: Symphony No. 1 in C major (composed 1799–1800, premièred 1800)
  • Opus 36: Symphony No. 2 in D major (composed 1801–02, premièred 1803)
  • Opus 55: Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major ("Eroica") (composed 1803/04, premièred 1805)
  • Opus 60: Symphony No. 4 in B-flat major (composed 1806, premièred 1807)
  • Opus 67: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (composed 1804–08, premièred 1808)
  • Opus 68: Symphony No. 6 in F major ("Pastoral") (composed 1804–08, premièred 1808)
  • Opus 92: Symphony No. 7 in A major (composed 1811–12, premièred 1813)
  • Opus 93: Symphony No. 8 in F major (composed 1812, premièred 1814)
  • Opus 125: Symphony No. 9 in D minor ("Choral") (composed 1817–24, premièred 1824)

Beethoven is believed to have intended to write a Tenth Symphony in the last year of his life; a performing version of possible sketches was assembled by Barry Cooper.[1]


Other works for soloist and orchestra

Overtures and incidental music

  • Opus 43: The Creatures of Prometheus, overture and ballet music (1801)
  • Opus 62: Coriolan Overture (1807)
  • Overtures composed for Beethoven's opera Fidelio, Op. 72:
    • Opus 72: Fidelio Overture (1814)
    • Opus 72a: Leonore Overture "No. 2" (1805)
    • Opus 72b: Leonore Overture "No. 3" (1806)
    • Opus 138: Leonore Overture "No. 1" (1807)
  • Opus 84: Egmont, overture and incidental music (1810)
  • Opus 91: Wellington's Victory ("Battle Symphony") (1813)
  • Opus 113: The Ruins of Athens (Die Ruinen von Athen), overture and incidental music (1811)
  • Opus 117: King Stephen (König Stephan), overture and incidental music (1811)
  • Opus 115: Zur Namensfeier (Feastday) Overture (1815)
  • Opus 124: Consecration of the House (Die Weihe des Hauses), overture (1822)

Chamber music

Beethoven wrote 16 string quartets and numerous other forms of chamber music, including piano trios, string trios, and sonatas for violin and cello with piano, as well as works with wind instruments.


Piano trios

The numbering of Beethoven's twelve piano trios is fairly arbitrary, and other than the three trios in Op. 1 as being Nos. 1 through 3, sources including both recordings and authoritative publications use other numberings from those shown here, or more frequently, none at all. It is more usual to identify a piano trio only by its catalog number and key.

Piano quartets
  • WoO 36: 3 Piano Quartets (1785)
    • No. 1 in E-flat major
    • No. 2 in D major
    • No. 3 in C major
  • Opus 16/b: Piano Quartet in E-flat (1797) (arrangement of Quintet for Piano and Winds, Op. 16)
String trios
  • Opus 3: String Trio No. 1 in E-flat major (1794); five-movement piano transcription (anon, supervised composer?, c 1814–15)
  • Opus 8: String Trio No. 2 ("Serenade") in D major (1797)
  • Opus 9: Three String Trios (1798)
    • No. 1: String Trio No. 3 in G major
    • No. 2: String Trio No. 4 in D major
    • No. 3: String Trio No. 5 in C minor
  • Hess 28: Movement in A-flat for String Trio


  • WoO 37: Trio for flute, bassoon, and piano in G major (1786)

String quartets


String quintets

Chamber music with winds

Sextet Op. 71

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Sonatas for solo instrument and piano[edit]

Violin sonatas[edit]
Cello sonatas[edit]
Horn sonatas[edit]

Solo piano music[edit]

In addition to the 32 celebrated sonatas, Beethoven's work for solo piano includes many one-movement pieces, more than twenty sets of variations, most unpublished in his lifetime or published without opus number, and over thirty bagatelles, including the well-known "Für Elise".

Piano sonatas[edit]


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  • Opus 33: Seven Bagatelles (1802)
  • Opus 119: Eleven new Bagatelles (1822)
  • Opus 126: Six Bagatelles (1823)
  • WoO 52: Presto (Bagatelle) for piano in C minor (1795, rev. 1798 and 1822)[5]
  • WoO 53: Allegretto (Bagatelle) for piano in C minor (1796–97)[5]
  • WoO 54: Lustig-Traurig (Bagatelle) for piano in C major (1802)[5]
  • WoO 56: Allegretto (Bagatelle) for piano in C major (1803, rev. 1822)[5]
  • WoO 59: Poco moto (Bagatelle) in A minor ("Für Elise") (c. 1810)[5]
  • WoO 60: Ziemlich lebhaft (Bagatelle) for piano in B-flat major (1818)[5]

Other piano works[edit]

  • Opus 39: Two Preludes through all twelve major keys (1789)
  • Opus 51: Two Rondos (1797)
    • No. 1: Rondo in C major
    • No. 2: Rondo in G major
  • WoO 55: Prelude in F minor (1803)
  • Opus 77: Fantasia in G minor (1809)
  • Opus 89: Polonaise in C major (1814)
  • Opus 129: Rondo à Capriccio in G major ("Rage over a lost penny") (1795)

Vocal music[edit]

While he completed only one opera, Beethoven wrote vocal music throughout his life, including two Mass settings, other works for chorus and orchestra (in addition to the Ninth Symphony), arias, duets, art songs (lieder), and true song cycles.


  • Opus 72: Leonore (1805), first version in three acts
  • Opus 72: Leonore (1806), second version in two acts
  • Opus 72: Fidelio (1814), final version in two acts


  • Opus 80: Choral Fantasy for solo piano, chorus, and orchestra (1808)
  • Opus 85: Christus am Ölberge (Christ on the Mount of Olives) – oratorio (1803)
  • Opus 86: Mass in C major (1807)
  • Opus 112: Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt (Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage), for chorus and orchestra (1815)
  • Opus 118: "Elegischer Gesang" for four voices and string quartet (1814)
  • Opus 123: Missa Solemnis in D major (1823)
  • Opus 136: The moment of Glory, Cantata for four solo voices, chorus and orchestra (1814)
    • 1. Chorus: "Europa steht!"
    • 2. Recitative: "O seht sie nah und näher treten!", Chorus: "Vienna Vienna Vienna"
    • 3. Recitative: "O Himmel welch Enzücken!" Aria (Vienna) with chorus: "Alle die Herrscher darf ich grüssen"
    • 4. Recitative: "Das Auge schaut" with chorus: "Dem die erste Zähre"
    • 5. Recitative: "Der den Bund im Sturme festgehalten"
    • 6. Chorus: "Es treten vor die Scharem der Frauen"
  • Emperor Cantatas
    • WoO 87: Funeral cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II, for solo voices, chorus and orchestra (1790)
      • 1. Chorus and soloists: "Tot! Tot, stöhnt es durch die öde Nacht"
      • 2. Recitative: "Ein Ungeheuer, sein Name Fanatismus" (bass)
      • Aria: "Da kam Joseph" (bass)
      • 3. Aria (soprano) with chorus: "Da stiegen die Menschen an's Licht"
      • 4. Recitative: "Er schläft, von den Sorgen seiner Welten entladen" (soprano)
      • Aria: "Hier schlummert seinen stillen Frieden der grosse Dulder" (soprano)
      • 5. Chorus and soloists: "Tot! Tot, stöhnt es durch die öde Nacht"
    • WoO 88: Cantata on the Accession of Emperor Leopold II, for solo voices, chorus and orchestra (1790)
      • 1. Recitative: "Er schlummert" – "Lasst sanft den grossen Fürsten Ruhen!" (soprano, chorus)
      • Aria: "Fliesse, Wonnezähre, fliesse!" (soprano)
      • 2. Recitative: "Ihr staunt, Völker der Erde!" (bass)
      • 3. Recitative: "Wie bebt mein Herz vor Wonne!" (tenor)
      • Trio: "Ihr, die Joseph ihren Vater nannten" (tenor, bass, soprano)
      • 4. Chorus: "Heil! Stürzet nieder, Millionen" (chorus, soloists)


  • Opus 46: "Adelaide" – song (1794–1795)
  • Opus 48: "Gellert Songs" – song set (1802)
  1. Bitten
  2. Die Liebe des Nächsten
  3. Vom Tode
  4. Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur ("Die Himmel rühmen")
  5. Gottes Macht und Vorsehung
  6. Bußlied
  • Opus 52: 8 Lieder
    • no.1 Urians Reise um die Welt (before 1790?)
    • no.2 Feuerfarb' (1794)
    • no.3 Das Liedchen von der Ruhe (1794)
    • no.4 Maigesang (1796)
    • no.5 Mollys Abschied (?)
    • no.6 Die Liebe (1790)
    • no.7 Marmotte (1790?)
    • no.8 Das Blümchen Wunderhold (?)
  • Opus 75: 6 Gesänge (1809)
    • no.1 Kennst du das Land
    • no.2 (2nd version) Neue Liebe neues Leben
    • no.3 Aus Goethes Faust (Mephistos Flohlied; Song of the Flea)
    • no.4 Gretels Warnung
    • no.5 An den fernen Geliebten
    • no.6 Der Zufriedene
  • Opus 82: 4 Arietten und ein Duett (1809–10)
    • no.1 Dimmi ben mio che m'ami
    • no.2 T'intendo sì mio cor
    • no.3 L'amante impaziente (Arietta buffa)
    • no.4 L'amante impaziente (Arietta assai seriosa)
    • no.5 Odi Laura che dolce sospira (Duet)
  • Opus 83: Three Songs (1810)
    • no. 1: Wonne der Wehmut
    • no. 2: Sehnsucht
    • no. 3: Mit einem gemalten Band
  • Opus 88: "Das Glück der Freundschaft" (1803)
  • Opus 94: "An die Hoffnung" (2nd version, 1815)
  • Opus 98: An die ferne Geliebtesong cycle (April 1816) (“The first true song cycle in the history of music”)[6]
    • no.1 Auf dem Hügel sitz ich spähend
    • no.2 Wo die Berge so blau
    • no.3 Leichte Segler in den Höhen
    • no.4 Diese Wolken in den Höhen
    • no.5. Es kehret der Maien, es blühet die Au
    • no.6 Nimm sie hin denn, diese Lieder
  • Opus 99: Der Mann von Wort (Summer 1816)
  • Opus 100: Merkenstein (2nd setting, 1815; about the Merkenstein ruins)
  • Opus 108: Twenty-five Scottish Songs
    • No. 1 Music, love and wine
    • No. 2 Sunset
    • No. 3 O sweet were the hours
    • No. 4 The Maid of Isla
    • No. 5 The sweetest lad was Jamie
    • No. 6 Dim, dim is my eye
    • No. 7 Bonny Laddie, Highland Laddie
    • No. 8 The lovely lass of Inverness
    • No. 9 Behold, my Love, how Green The Groves
    • No. 10 Sympathy
    • No. 11 Oh! thou art the lad of my heart, Willy
    • No. 12 Oh, had my fate been join′d with thine
    • No. 13 Come fill, fill, my good fellow!
    • No. 14 O, how can I be blithe and glad
    • No. 15 O cruel was my father
    • No. 16 Could this ill world have been contriv′d
    • No. 17 O Mary, at thy window be
    • No. 18 Enchantress, farewell
    • No. 19 O swiftly glides the bonny boat
    • No. 20 Faithfu′ Johnie
    • No. 21 Jeanie′s Distress
    • No. 22 The Highland Watch
    • No. 23 The Shepherd's Song
    • No. 24 Again, my lyre, yet once again
    • No. 25 Sally in our Alley
  • Opus 128: Ariette (Der Kuss) (1798, 1822)
  • WoO 107: Schilderung eines Machens (1782)
  • WoO 108: An einen Säugling (1783)
  • WoO 109: Erhebt das Glas mit froher Hand (Trinklied beim Abschied zu singen) (1791 or 1792)
  • WoO 110: Elegie auf den Tod eines Pudels (?)
  • WoO 111: Punschlied (1791 or 1792)
  • WoO 112: An Laura (1792)
  • WoO 113: Klage (1790)
  • WoO 114: Ein Selbstgespräch (1793)
  • WoO 115: An Minna (1792)
  • WoO 116: Que le temps me dure (1st version: Hess 129; 2nd version: Hess 130)
  • WoO 117: Der freie Mann (1794 or 1795)
  • WoO 118: Seufzer eines Ungeliebten – Gegenlieb (1795)
  • WoO 119: Oh care selve oh cara (1794 or 1795)
  • WoO 120: Man strebt die Flamme zu verhehlen (1800 or 1801)
  • WoO 121: Abschiedsgesang an Wiens Bürger (Nov. 1796)
  • WoO 122: Kriegslied der Österreicher (April 1797)
  • WoO 123: Ich liebe dich so wie du mich (Zärtliche Liebe) (1795)
  • WoO 124: La partenza (1795)
  • WoO 125: La tiranna (1798–99)
  • WoO 126: Opferlied (1798)
  • WoO 127: Neue Liebe neues Leben (1798–99)
  • WoO 128: Romance (1799)
  • WoO 129: Der Wachtelschlag (1803)
  • WoO 130: Gedenke mein! (1820)
  • WoO 131: Unfinshed song "Erlkönig"
  • WoO 132: Als die Geliebte sich trennen wolte (1806)
  • WoO 133: In questa tomba oscura (1807)
  • WoO 134: Sehnsucht (1st–5th setting, 1807–08)
  • WoO 135: Die laute Klage (1814–15)
  • WoO 136: Andenken (1808)
  • WoO 137: Gesang aus der Ferne (1809)
  • WoO 138: Der Jüngling in der Fremde (1809)
  • WoO 139: Der Liebende (1809)
  • WoO 140: An die Geliebte (2nd–3rd version, 1811)
  • WoO 141: Der Gesang der Nachtigall (1813)
  • WoO 142: Der Bardengeist (1813)
  • WoO 143: Des Kriegers Abschied (1814)
  • WoO 144: Merkenstein (1st setting, 1814; about the Merkenstein ruins)
  • WoO 145: Das Geheimnis (Liebe und Wahrheit) (1815)
  • WoO 146: Sehnsucht (late 1815)
  • WoO 147: Ruf vom Berge (December 1816)
  • WoO 148: So oder so (1816–17)
  • WoO 149: Resignation (Winter 1817)
  • WoO 150: Abendlied unterm gestirnten Himmel (Spring 1820) (“The final contribution to the medium before writing the song of the songs, that symbiosis of vocal and instrumental music that forms the final movement of the Ninth Symphony”)[6]
  • WoO 151: Der edle Mensch (1823?)
  • Hess 133: Das liebe Kätzchen (March 1820)
  • Hess 134: Der Knabe auf dem Berge (March 1820)

Folksong arrangements[edit]

  • Opus 108: 25 Scottish Songs
    • No. 1 Music, love and wine
    • No. 2 Sunset
    • No. 3 O sweet were the hours
    • No. 4 The Maid of Isla
    • No. 5 The sweetest lad was Jamie
    • No. 6 Dim, dim is my eye
    • No. 7 Bonny Laddie, Highland Laddie
    • No. 8 The lovely lass of Inverness
    • No. 9 Behold, my Love, how Green The Groves
    • No. 10 Sympathy
    • No. 11 Oh! thou art the lad of my heart, Willy
    • No. 12 Oh, had my fate been join’d with thine
    • No. 13 Come fill, fill, my good fellow!
    • No. 14 O, how can I be blithe and glad
    • No. 15 O cruel was my father
    • No. 16 Could this ill world have been contriv’d
    • No. 17 O Mary, at thy window be
    • No. 18 Enchantress, farewell
    • No. 19 O swiftly glides the bonny boat
    • No. 20 Faithfu’ Johnie
    • No. 21 Jeanie’s Distress
    • No. 22 The Highland Watch
    • No. 23 The Shepherd’s Song
    • No. 24 Again, my lyre, yet once again
    • No. 25 Sally in our Alley
  • WoO 152: 25 Irish Songs
    • No. 1 The Return to Ulster
    • No. 2 Sweet Power of Song!
    • No. 3 once more I hail thee
    • No. 4 The morning air plays on my face
    • No. 5 on the Massacre of Glencoe
    • No. 6 What shall I do to shew how much I love her?
    • No. 7 His boat comes on the sunny tide
    • No. 8 Come draw we round a cheerful ring
    • No. 9 Our bugles sung truce; or The Soldier’s Dream
    • No. 10 The Deserter
    • No. 11 Thou emblem of Faith (Upon returning a ring)
    • No. 12 English Bulls; or, The Irishman in London
    • No. 13 Musing on the roaring ocean
    • No. 14 Dermot and shelah
    • No. 15 Let brain-spinning swains
    • No. 16 Hide not thy anguish
    • No. 17 In vain to this desert my fate I deplore
    • No. 18 They bid me slight my Dermot Dear
    • No. 19 Wife, Children and Friends
    • No. 20 Farewell bliss and farewell Nancy
    • No. 21 Morning a cruel turmoiler is
    • No. 22 From Garyone, my happy home
    • No. 23 A wand’ring gypsey, Sirs, am I
    • No. 24 The Traugh Welcome
    • No. 25 O harp of Erin
  • WoO 153: 20 Irish Songs
    • No. 1 When Eve’s last rays in twilight die
    • No. 2 No riches from his scanty store
    • No. 3 The British Light Dragoons; or The Plain of Badajos
    • No. 4 Since greybeards inform us that youth will decay
    • No. 5 I dreamd I lay where flow’rs were springing
    • No. 6 Sad and luckless was the season
    • No. 7 O soothe me, my lyre
    • No. 8 Farewell mirth and hilarity: Norah of Balamagairy
    • No. 9 The kiss, dear maid, thy lip has left
    • No. 10 Oh! Thou hapless soldier
    • No. 11 When far from the home
    • No. 12 I’ll praise the saints with early song
    • No. 13 ’Tis sunshine at last
    • No. 14 Paddy O’Rafferty
    • No. 15 ’Tis but in vain, for nothing thrives
    • No. 16 O might I but my Patrick love!
    • No. 17 Come, Darby dear! easy be easy
    • No. 19 Judy, lovely matchless creature
    • No. 18 No more, my Mary, I sigh for splendour
    • No. 20 Thy ship must sail, my Henry dear
  • WoO 154: 12 Irish Songs
    • No. 1 The Elfin Fairies
    • No. 2 O Harp of Erin
    • No. 3 The Farewell Song
    • No. 4 The pulse of an Irishman
    • No. 5 O who, my dear Dermot
    • No. 6 Put round the bright wine
    • No. 7 From Garyone, my happy home
    • No. 8 Save me from the grave and wise
    • No. 9 O would I were but that sweet linnet!
    • No. 10 The hero may perish
    • No. 11 The soldier in A Foreign Land
    • No. 12 He promised me at parting
  • WoO 157: 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities
    • No. 1 God save the King
    • No. 2 The Soldier
    • No. 3 Charlie is my darling
    • No. 4 O sanctissima
    • No. 5 The Miller of Dee
    • No. 6 A health to the brave
    • No. 7 Robin Adair
    • No. 8 By the side of the Shannon
    • No. 9 Highlander’s Lament
    • No. 10 Sir Johnnie Cope
    • No. 11 The wandering minstrel
    • No. 12 La gondoletta
  • WoO 155: 26 Welsh Songs
    • No. 1 Sion, The Son of Evan
    • No. 2 The Monks of Bangor’s March
    • No. 3 The Cottage Maid
    • No. 4 Love without hope
    • No. 5 The Golden Robe
    • No. 6 The Fair Maid of Mona
    • No. 7 O let the night my blushes hide
    • No. 8 Farewell, thou noisy town
    • No. 9 To the Aeolian Harp
    • No. 10 Ned Pugh’s Farewell
    • No. 11 Merch Megan; or, Peggy’s Daughter
    • No. 12 Waken, lords and ladies gay
    • No. 13 Helpless Woman
    • No. 14 The Dream
    • No. 15 When mortals all to rest retire
    • No. 16 The Damsels of Cardigan
    • No. 17 The Dairy House
    • No. 18 Sweet Richard
    • No. 19 The Vale of Clwyd
    • No. 20 To the Blackbird
    • No. 21 Cupid’s kindness
    • No. 22 Constancy
    • No. 23 The Old Strain
    • No. 24 Three Hundred Pounds
    • No. 25 The Parting Kiss
    • No. 26 Good Night
  • WoO 156: 12 Scottish Songs
    • No. 1 The Banner of Buccleuch
    • No. 2 Duncan Grey
    • No. 3 Up! quit thy bower
    • No. 4 Ye shepherds of this pleasant vale
    • No. 5 Cease your funning
    • No. 6 Highland Harry
    • No. 7 Polly Stewart
    • No. 8 Womankind
    • No. 9 Lochnagar
    • No. 10 Glencoe
    • No. 11 Auld Lang Syne
    • No. 12 The Quaker’s Wife
  • WoO 158b: 7 British Songs
    • No. 1 Adieu, my Lov’d harp
    • No. 2 Castle O’Neill
    • No. 3 O was not I a weary wight! (Oh ono chri!)
    • No. 4 Red gleams the sun on yon hill tap
    • No. 5 Erin! O Erin!
    • No. 6 O Mary, yes be clad in silk
    • No. 7 Lament for Owen Roe O’Neill
  • WoO 158c: 6 Songs Of Various Nationalities
    • No. 1 When my hero in court appears
    • No. 2 Non, non, Colette n’est point trompeuse
    • No. 3 Mark yonder pomp of costly fashion
    • No. 4 Bonnie wee thing
    • No. 5 From thee, Eliza, I must go
    • No. 6 Untitled
  • WoO 158a: 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities
    • No. 1 Ridder Stigs Runer
    • No. 2 Horch auf, mein Liebchen
    • No. 3 Wegen meiner bleib d’Fraula
    • No. 4 Wann i in der Früh aufsteh
    • No. 5 Teppichkramer-Lied
    • No. 6 A Madel, ja a madel
    • No. 7 Wer solche Buema afipackt
    • No. 8 Ih mag di nit nehma
    • No. 9 Oj, oj upilem sie w karczmie
    • No. 10 Poszla baba po popiol
    • No. 11 Yo no quiero embarcarme
    • No. 12 Seus lindos olhos
    • No. 13 Vo lesocke komarockov mnogo urodilos’
    • No. 14 Akh, Rrecen’ki recen’ki
    • No. 15 Kak posli nasi podruzki
    • No. 16 Schone Minka, ich muss scheiden
    • No. 17 Lilla Carl (Vaggvisa)
    • No. 18 An ä Bergli bin i gesasse
    • No. 19 Una paloma blanca
    • No. 20 Como la mariposa soy
    • No. 21 Tiranilla Espanola
    • No. 22 Edes kinos emlekezet (Magyar Szuretölö Enek)
    • No. 23 Da brava, Catina

Secular vocal works[edit]

  • Opus 65: Ah! Perfido
  • Opus 116: Tremate empi tremate
  • Opus 118: Elegiac Song
  • Opus 121b: Sacrificial Song
  • Opus 122: Song of Fellowship
  • WoO 89: Prüfung des Küssens
  • WoO 92: Mit Mädeln sich vertragen
  • WoO 92: Primo amore
  • WoO 92a: No non turbarti
  • WoO 93: Ne giorni tuoi felici
  • WoO 95: Chor for the Allied Princes
  • WoO 99 – Polyphonic songs
    • No. 1 Bei labbri che amore (Hess 211)
    • No. 2 Chi mai di questo core Hess 214)
    • No. 3a Fra tutte le pene
    • No. 3b Fra tutte le pene (Hess 225)
    • No. 3c Fra tutte le pene (1st version)
    • No. 4a Gia la notte savvicina (Hess 222)
    • No. 4b Gia la notte savvicina (Hess 223)
    • No. 5a Giura il nocchier (Hess 221) (2nd version)
    • No. 5b Giura il nocchier (Hess 227)
    • No. 6 Ma tu tremi (Hess 212)
    • No. 7a Nei campi e nelle selve (Hess 217) (1st version)
    • No. 7b Nei campi e nelle selve (Hess 220) (2nd version)
    • No. 9 Per te d'amico aprile (Hess 216)
    • No. 10a Quella cetra ah pur tu sei (Hess 213) (1st version)
    • No. 10b Quella cetra ah pur tu sei (Hess 218)
    • No. 10c Quella cetra ah pur tu sei (Hess 219) (2nd version)
    • No. 11 Scrivo in te (Hess 215)
  • WoO 102: Song of Farewell
  • WoO 103: Rural Cantata
  • WoO 104: The Monks Song
  • WoO 105: Wedding Song
  • WoO 106: Lobkowitz-Kantate
  • WoO 100: Lob auf den Dicken
  • WoO 101: Graf, liebster Graf
  • WoO 159: Im Arm der Liebe ruht sich's wohl
  • WoO 161: Ewig Dein
  • WoO 163: Kurz ist der Schmerz
  • WoO 164: Freundschaft ist die Quelle wahrer Glückseligkeit
  • WoO 165: Gluck zum neuen Jahr!
  • WoO 166: Kurz ist der Schmerz
  • WoO 167: Brauchle Linke
  • WoO 168/1: Das Schweigen
  • WoO 168/2: Das Reden
  • WoO 169: Ich küsse sie
  • WoO 170: Ars longa, vita brevis
  • WoO 172: Ich bitt' dich, schreib mir die es-skala auf
  • WoO 173: Hol euch der Teufel! B'hüt euch Gott!
  • WoO 174: Glaube und Hoffe!
  • WoO 175: Sankt Petrus war ein Fels!
  • WoO 176: Glück zum neuen Jahr!
  • WoO 177: Bester Magistrat, Ihr friert!
  • WoO 178: Signor Abate!
  • WoO 179: Alles Gute
  • WoO 180: Hoffman, sei ja kein Hofmann
  • WoO 182: O Tobias!
  • WoO 183: Bester Herr Graf, Sie sind ein Schaf!
  • WoO 184: Falstafferel, lass dich sehen!
  • WoO 185: Edel sei der Mensch
  • WoO 186: Te solo adoro
  • WoO 187: Schwenke dich ohne Schwanke!
  • WoO 188: Gott ist eine feste Burg
  • WoO 189: Doktor, sperrt das Tor dem Tod
  • WoO 190: Ich war hier Doktor, Ich war hier
  • WoO 191: Kühl, nicht Lau
  • WoO 192: Ars longa, vita brevis
  • WoO 193: Ars longa, vita brevis
  • WoO 194: Si non per portas, per muros
  • WoO 195: Freu dich des Lebens!
  • WoO 196: Es muss sein!
  • WoO 197: Da ist das Werk
  • WoO 198: Wir irren allesamt
  • WoO 202: Das Schöne zum Guten!
  • WoO 203: Das Schöne zu dem Guten!
  • Hess 231: Sei mio ben
  • Hess 228: Salvo tu vuoi lo sposo?
  • Hess 210: Fra tutte le pene (2nd version)
  • Hess 230: Giura il nocchier (1st version)
  • Hess 276: Herr Graf, ich komme zu fragen
  • Hess 277: Esel aller Esel

Music for wind band[edit]

List of works by number[edit]

The following is a list of Beethoven's works, sorted by Opus number, followed by works listed as WoO in the Kinsky–Halm Catalogue, and then works listed in the appendix of that catalog, which are given "Anh" numbers, whose composition by Beethoven has since been verified. These are followed by additional works listed in the catalog of Willy Hess that are not otherwise listed in the Kinsky–Halm Catalogue. The chronologically comprehensive Biamonti Catalogue is not listed here.

Works with opus numbers[edit]

Works without opus numbers[edit]

Works with WoO numbers[edit]

The numbers and categories used below are from the Kinsky–Halm Catalogue of 1955. WoO is an abbreviation of "Werke ohne Opuszahl", German for "Works without Opus number".

Instrumental works: WoO 1–86[edit]

Orchestral works

Orchestra alone

  • WoO 1: Musik zu einem Ritterballett (Music for a ballet on horseback) – eight movements
  • WoO 2a: Triumphal March for orchestra for Christoph Kuffner's tragedy Tarpeja (1813)
  • WoO 2b: Prelude to Act II of Tarpeja (1813)
  • WoO 3: "Gratulations-Menuett", minuet for orchestra



  • WoO 7: Twelve minuets for orchestra
  • WoO 8: Twelve German Dances for orchestra (later arranged for piano)
  • WoO 9: Six minuets for two violins and cello
  • WoO 10: Six minuets for orchestra (original version lost, only an arrangement for piano is extant)
  • WoO 11: Seven Ländler for two violins and cello (original version lost, only an arrangement for piano is extant)
  • WoO 12: Twelve minuets for orchestra (probably spurious, actually by Beethoven's brother Carl)
  • WoO 13: Twelve German Dances for orchestra (only a version for piano is extant)
  • WoO 14: Twelve contredanses for orchestra
  • WoO 15: Six Ländler for two violins and cello (also arranged for piano)
  • WoO 16: Twelve Écossaises for orchestra (probably spurious)
  • WoO 17: Eleven "Mödlinger Tänze" for seven instruments (probably spurious)

Marches and dances for winds

Chamber works Without piano

  • WoO 25: Rondo for 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 horns and 2 bassoons (original finale of the Octet, opus 103) (1792)
  • WoO 26: Duo for two flutes
  • WoO 27: Three duets for clarinet and bassoon (probably spurious)
  • WoO 28: Variations for two oboes and cor anglais on "Là ci darem la mano" from Mozart's opera Don Giovanni
  • WoO 29: March for Wind Sextet in B-flat (2 clarinets, 2 horns & 2 bassoons)
  • WoO 30: Three Equale for four trombones – Vocal arrangements of these were performed at Beethoven's funeral.
  • WoO 31: Fugue for organ
  • WoO 32: Duo for viola and cello, "mit zwei obligaten Augengläsern" ("with two obbligato eyeglasses")
  • WoO 33: Five pieces for mechanical clock or flute
  • WoO 34: Duet for two violins
  • WoO 35: Canon for two violins

With piano

  • WoO 36: Three piano quartets
  • WoO 37: Trio for flute, bassoon, and piano in G major (1786)
  • WoO 38: Piano Trio No. 8 in E-flat major
  • WoO 39: Allegretto for piano trio in B-flat major (Piano Trio No. 9)
  • WoO 40: Twelve variations for piano and violin on "Se vuol ballare" from Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro (1792–93)
  • WoO 41: Rondo for piano and violin in G major (1793–94)
  • WoO 42: Six German Dances for violin and piano (1796)
  • WoO 43a: Sonatina for mandolin and harpsichord
  • WoO 43b: Adagio for mandolin and harpsichord
  • WoO 44a: Sonatina for mandolin and piano
  • WoO 44b: Andante and variations for mandolin and harpsichord
  • WoO 45: Twelve Variations for cello and piano on "See, the conqu'ring hero comes" from Handel's Judas Maccabaeus (1796)
  • WoO 46: Seven Variations for cello and piano in E-flat major on "Bei Männern welche Liebe fühlen" from Mozart's The Magic Flute

Piano works for 2 or 4 hands Sonatas and single-movement works

  • WoO 47: Three piano sonatas (E-flat major, F minor, D major) ("Kurfürsten Sonatas") (1783)
  • WoO 48: Rondo for piano in C major (1783)
  • WoO 49: Rondo for piano in A major (1783)
  • WoO 50: Piano Sonata in F major (1790–92)
  • WoO 51: Piano Sonata in C major (1797–98, fragment) completed Ferdinand Ries, 1830
  • WoO 52: Presto (Bagatelle) for piano in C minor (1795, rev. 1798 and 1822)[5]
  • WoO 53: Allegretto (Bagatelle) for piano in C minor (1796–97)[5]
  • WoO 54: Lustig-Traurig (Bagatelle) for piano in C major (1802)[5]
  • WoO 55: Prelude for piano in F minor (1803)
  • WoO 56: Allegretto (Bagatelle) for piano in C major (1803, rev. 1822))[5]
  • WoO 57: Andante favori – original middle movement from Piano Sonata No. 21 (Waldstein) (1805)
  • WoO 58: Cadenzas for 1st and 3rd movements of Mozart's D minor Piano Concerto (K. 466)
  • WoO 59: Poco moto (Bagatelle) for piano in A minor ("Für Elise") (c. 1810)[5]
  • WoO 60: Ziemlich lebhaft (Bagatelle) for piano in B-flat major (1818))[5]
  • WoO 61: Allegretto for piano in B minor (1821)
  • WoO 61a: Allegretto quasi andante for piano in G minor (1825)
  • WoO 62: String Quintet in C major (fragment, piano transcription)


  • WoO 63: Nine variations for piano on a march by Ernst Christoph Dressler (1782)
  • WoO 64: Six Variations on a Swiss song for piano or harp (1790–1792)
  • WoO 65: Twenty-four variations for piano on Vincenzo Righini's aria "Venni Amore" (1790–1791)
  • WoO 66: Thirteen variations for piano on the aria "Es war einmal ein alter Mann" from Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf's opera Das rote Käppchen
  • WoO 67: Eight variations for piano four hands on a theme by Count Waldstein
  • WoO 68: Twelve variations for piano on the "Menuet a la Vigano" from Jakob Haibel's ballet La nozza disturbate (1795)
  • WoO 69: Nine variations for piano on "Quant'e piu bello" from Giovanni Paisiello's opera La Molinara
  • WoO 70: Six variations for piano on "Nel cor più non mi sento" from Giovanni Paisiello's opera La Molinara (1795)
  • WoO 71: Twelve variations for piano on the Russian dance from Paul Wranitzky's ballet Das Waldmädchen
  • WoO 72: Eight variations for piano on "Une Fièvre Brûlante" from André Ernest Modeste Grétry's opera Richard Coeur-de-lion
  • WoO 73: Ten variations for piano on "La stessa, la stessissima" from Antonio Salieri's opera Falstaff
  • WoO 74: "Ich denke dein" – song with six variations for piano four hands
  • WoO 75: Seven variations for piano on "Kind, willst du ruhig schlafen" from Peter Winter's opera Das unterbrochene Opferfest
  • WoO 76: Eight variations for piano on "Tändeln und scherzen" from Franz Xaver Süssmayr's opera Soliman II
  • WoO 77: Six easy variations on an original theme for piano
  • WoO 78: Seven variations for piano on "God Save the King"
  • WoO 79: Five variations for piano on "Rule Britannia!"
  • WoO 80: Thirty-two variations on an original theme in C minor for piano


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  • WoO 81: Allemande for piano in A major
  • WoO 82: Minuet for piano in E-flat major
  • WoO 83: Six Écossaises for piano and orchestra in E-flat major
  • WoO 84: Waltz for piano in E-flat major
  • WoO 85: Waltz for piano in D major
  • WoO 86: Écossaise for piano in E-flat major
Vocal works: WoO 87–205[edit]

Cantatas, choruses and arias with orchestra

  • WoO 87: Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II
  • WoO 88: Cantata on the Accession of Emperor Leopold II
  • WoO 89: Aria "Prüfung des Küssens"
  • WoO 90: Aria "Mit Mädeln sich vertragen"
  • WoO 91: Two arias for Die Schöne Schusterin (1795)
  • WoO 92: Aria "Primo Amore"
  • WoO 92a: Aria "No, non turbati"
  • WoO 93: Duet "Nei giorni tuoi felice"
  • WoO 94: "Germania," aria with chorus in B-flat major (1814)
  • WoO 95: Chorus for the Congress of Vienna
  • WoO 96: Incidental Music to Leonore Prohaska (1815)
  • WoO 97: "Es ist vollbracht" for Die Ehrenpforten (1815)
  • WoO 98: "Wo sich die Pulse," chorus for The Consecration of the House

Works for multiple voices with piano accompaniment, or unaccompanied

  • WoO 99: Italian Partsongs
  • WoO 100: Musical joke for three voices "Lob auf den Dicken"
  • WoO 101: Musical joke for three voices and chorus "Graf, Graf, liebster Graf"
  • WoO 102: Chorus for male voices "Abschiedsgesang"
  • WoO 103: Cantata Un lieto Brindisi
  • WoO 104: "Gesang der Mönche" from Schiller's Wilhelm Tell for three male voices
  • WoO 105: Song for solo voice, chorus and piano "Hochzeitslied"
  • WoO 106: Birthday Cantata for Prince Lobkowitz

Lieder and songs for solo voice and piano

  • WoO 107–130: Twenty-four songs
  • WoO 131: Unfinshed song "Erlkönig"
  • WoO 132: Song "Als die Geliebte sich trennen wollte"
  • WoO 133: Song "In questa tomba oscura"
  • WoO 134: Song "Sehnsucht" in four settings
  • WoO 135–151: Seventeen Songs

Folksong arrangements for one or more voices, with piano trio accompaniment

  • WoO 152: Twenty-five Irish folksongs
  • WoO 153: Twenty Irish folksongs
  • WoO 154: Twelve Irish folksongs
  • WoO 155: Twenty-six Welsh folksongs
  • WoO 156: Twelve Scottish folksongs
  • WoO 157: Twelve folksongs of various nationalities
  • WoO 158a: Twenty-three continental folksongs
  • WoO 158b: Seven British folksongs
  • WoO 158c: Six assorted folksongs
  • WoO 158d: "Air Français"

Vocal canons

  • WoO 159–198: Forty-three Canons

Musical jokes, quips, and dedications

  • WoO 199: Musical joke "Ich bin der Herr von zu"
  • WoO 200: Piano Exercise "O Hoffnung!"
  • WoO 201: Musical joke "Ich bin bereit!"
  • WoO 202: Riddle canon "Das Schöne zu dem Guten" (first version)
  • WoO 203: Riddle canon "Das Schöne zu dem Guten" (second version)
  • WoO 204: Musical joke "Holz, Holz, Geigt die Quartette So"
  • WoO 205: Ten musical quips (Kinsky's word is "Notenscherze") from Beethoven's letters

Works with Anhang (Anh.) numbers[edit]

These are works from the Appendix (Anhang in German) of Kinsky's catalog that were attributed to Beethoven at the time the catalog was compiled, but might not have been written by him.

  • Anh. 1: Symphony in C major ("Jena Symphony") – now attributed to Friedrich Witt
  • Anh. 2: Six string quartets
    1. String quartet in C major
    2. String quartet in G major
    3. String quartet in E-flat major
    4. String quartet in F minor
    5. String quartet in D major
    6. String quartet in B-flat major
  • Anh. 3: Piano trio in D major
  • Anh. 4: Sonata for piano and flute in B-flat major
  • Anh. 5: Two piano sonatinas
    1. Sonatina in G major
    2. Sonatina in F major
  • Anh. 6: Rondo for piano in B-flat major
  • Anh. 7: Piano concerto (Allegro) in D major (first movement) – at first, many were unconvinced that this work was by Beethoven; most believed it to be a missing movement from a piano concerto by the Bohemian composer Jan Joseph Rosler (1771–1813). Today, though, some experts believe it to be a true work by Beethoven, as it recalls the 20-year old Beethoven's musical style. In any case, it is estimated to have been written between 1788 and 1793.[citation needed]
  • Anh. 8: Three piano four-hands
    1. Gavotte for piano four-hands in F major
    2. Allegro for piano four-hands in B-flat major
    3. Fragment for piano four-hands in C minor
  • Anh. 9: Nine German dances for piano four-hands
    1. German dance for piano four-hands in C major
    2. German dance for piano four-hands in F major
    3. German dance for piano four-hands in B-flat major
    4. German dance for piano four-hands in G major
    5. German dance for piano four-hands in E-flat major
    6. German dance for piano four-hands in C major
    7. German dance for piano four-hands in D major
    8. German dance for piano four-hands in G major
    9. German dance for piano four-hands in C major
  • Anh. 10: Eight variations on the song "Ich hab'ein kleines Hüttchen nur" for piano in B-flat major
  • Anh. 11: "Alexandermarsch" for Louis Duport ballet "Der blode Ritter" march for piano in F major
  • Anh. 12: "Pariser Einzugsmarsch" march for piano in C major
  • Anh. 13: Funeral march for piano in F minor
  • Anh. 14: Six piano waltzes
    1. "Sehnsuchtwalzer" waltz for piano in A-flat major
    2. "Schmerzenwalzer" waltz for piano in F minor
    3. "Hoffnungswalzer" waltz for piano in E-flat major
    4. "Geisterwalzer" waltz for piano in A major
    5. Waltz for piano in F major
    6. Waltz for piano in D-flat major
  • Anh. 15: "Glaube, Liebe, und Hoffnung" waltz for piano in F major, most known as "Adieu to the piano" ("Farewell to the piano")
  • Anh. 16: Four piano waltzes
    1. "Jubelwalzer" waltz for piano in C-sharp major
    2. "Gertruds Traumwalzer" waltz for piano in B-flat major, most known as "Gertrude's Dream Waltz"
    3. "Sonnenscheinwalzer" waltz for piano in E-flat major
    4. "Mondscheinwalzer" waltz for piano in A-flat major
  • Anh. 17: "Introduction and Waltz (Klavierstück)" waltz for piano in F major
  • Anh. 18: "An Sie" or "Nachruf" "O du nach der sich alle meine Wunsche lenken" song in A-flat major (Voice and Piano or Guitar)

Selected works with Hess (H) numbers[edit]

These works have numbers that were assigned by Willy Hess. Many of the works in the Hess catalog also have WoO numbers; those entries are not listed here.

  • H 12: Oboe Concerto in F (lost; only incipits and draft of 2nd movement extant) [1]
  • H 13: Romance in E minor for 3 soloists and orchestra
  • H 15: Piano Concerto No. 6 in D major (unfinished)
  • H 19: Wind quintet in E-flat major
  • H 28: Movement in A-flat major for string trio
  • H 29: Prelude and Fugue for two violins and violoncello
  • H 30: Prelude and Fugue for string quartet (1794–95)
  • H 31: Prelude and Fugue for string quartet (1794–95)
  • H 32: String Quartet in F major (1799)
  • H 33: Minuet for string quartet (1790–92)
  • H 34: String Quartet arrangement of Opus 14 No. 1 (1801–02)
  • H 36: Handel Fugue arranged for string quartet (1798)
  • H 38: Bach Fugue arranged for string quartet
  • H 39: String Quintet in F major (lost)
  • H 40: Movement in D minor for string quintet
  • H 46: Violin Sonata in A major
  • H 47: Allegro con brio in E-flat major for piano trio
  • H 48: Allegretto in E-flat major for piano trio

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  • H 57: Bagatelle in C major
  • H 58: Piano Exercise in B-flat major/minor
  • H 59: Piano Exercise in C
  • H 60: Draft in A for Piano
  • H 61: Anglaise in D major for Piano
  • H 64: Fugue for keyboard
  • H 65: Concerto excerpt (arrangement of Opus 37)
  • H 66: Allegretto in C minor
  • H 68: Ländler in C minor
  • H 69: Bagatelle in C minor
  • H 73: Bagatelle in C major
  • H 74: Bagatelle in E-flat major
  • H 87: March for piano (arrangement of WoO 29)
  • H 88: Minuet for piano (arrangement of Hess 33)
  • H 89: Musik zu einem Ritterballett (Music for a ballet of knights) (piano arrangement of WoO 1)
  • H 90: The Creatures of Prometheus (piano arrangement of Opus 43)
  • H 91: Opferlied (piano arrangement of Opus 121b)
  • H 92: Bundeslied (piano arrangement of Opus 122)
  • H 93: "Freudvoll" (piano accompaniment for Opus 84)
  • H 97: Wellington's Victory ("Battle Symphony") (piano arrangement of Opus 91)
  • H 99: March for piano (arrangement of WoO 18)
  • H 107: Grenadier's March
  • H 108: Wellington's Victory ("Battle Symphony") (panharmonicon arrangement of Opus 91)
  • H 115: Vestas Feuer (unfinished Opera) (1803)
  • H 118: Music for The Consecration of the House (from Opus 113)
  • H 133: Folksong
  • H 134: Folksong
  • H 137: Song "Ich wiege dich" (lost)
  • H 139: Song "Minnesold" (lost)
  • H 143: Song "An die Freude" (lost)
  • H 152–207: Folksong settings
  • H 208–232: Italian partsongs
  • H 233–246: Counterpoint exercises
  • H 274–277: Four Canons
  • H 297: Adagio for three horns
  • H 300–301: Two Canons
  • H 310 Prelude in C for Organ

Works with Biamonti numbers

  • B454: Overture to Macbeth
  • Beethoven is believed to have intended to write the opera Macbeth; a performing version of possible sketches was assembled by Albert Willem Holsbergen between 1999–2001. The premiere performance of the Beethoven Macbeth Overture was by the National Symphony Orchestra on September 20–22, 2001, under the direction of Leonard Slatkin.

See also


Many works that were unpublished or else published without opus numbers have been assigned either "WoO" (works without opus number) or "Anh" (appendix) numbers. For example, the short piano piece "Für Elise", is more fully known as the "Bagatelle in A minor, WoO 59 ('Für Elise')". Some works are also commonly referred to by their nicknames, such as the 'Kreutzer' Violin Sonata, or the Eroica Symphony.


The listings that follow include all of these relevant identifiers. While other catalogues of Beethoven's works exist, the numbers here represent the most commonly used and widely known.