에곤 쉴레(Egon Schiele) 가학적인 애로/누드화
객관적인 사실보다는 오히려 사물이나 사건에 의해 야기되는
주관적인 감정과 반응을 표현하는 데 주력하는 예술사조.
Egon Schiele - Pair of Women (Women embracing each other)
Egon Schiele - The Embrace (The Loving)
Egon Schiele - The Family
Egon Schiele - Reclining Female Nude
Egon Schiele - Reclining Woman with Blond Hair
Egon Schiele - Reclining Woman with Green Stockings (Adele Harms)
Egon Schiele - Squatting Women'S Pair
Egon Schiele - Seated Girl with Bare Torso and Light Blue Skirt
Egon Schiele - Moa
Egon Schiele - Mother and daughter
Egon Schiele - Seated Woman in Violet Stockings
Egon Schiele - Two Girls Lying Entwined
Egon Schiele - Seated Woman with Bent Knee
Egon Schiele - Sexual act, study
Egon Schiele - Sitting feminine act
Egon Schiele - Sitting woman with blue hair ribbon
Egon Schiele - Woman in Black Stockings
Egon Schiele - Woman Undressing
Egon Schiele - Young Mother
Egon Schiele - Reclining Woman with Blond Hair
Egon Schiele - Girl in Black
Egon Schiele - Kneeling girl, on both elbows supported
Egon Schiele - Lying woman

'♣ 미술(美術) 마당 ♣ > - 작품[作品]' 카테고리의 다른 글
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