Flora MacDonald
[플로라 맥도널드]
Her father died when she was a child, and her mother was abducted and married by Hugh MacDonald of Armadale, Skye. She was brought up under the care of the chief of her clan, the Macdonalds of Clanranald her father's cousin, and was partly educated in Edinburgh. Throughout her life she was a practising Presbyteria
1745~46년 재커바이트(스튜어트 왕가 지지파) 반란이 실패한 뒤 영국 왕위를 요구하는 스튜어트 왕가의 '젊은 왕위요구자' 찰스 에드워드가 스코틀랜드를 빠져나가도록 도와줌으로써 스코틀랜드 재커바이트들의 영웅이 된 여성.
농부이자 가봉사인 래널드 맥도널드의 딸로 태어난 그녀는 재커바이트를 노래한 민요와 전설 속에 영원히 남아 있다.
찰스 에드워드는 1746년 4월 컬라든 전투를 끝으로 완전히 패배한 뒤 잉글랜드인에게 쫓기다가 헤브리디스 제도로 피신했다. 친구들과 같이 있다가 우연히 찰스를 만난 플로라는 그를 베티 버크라는 이름의 아일랜드 방적공 처녀로 변장시켜 자기 무리에 끼워 주었다. 그들은 잉글랜드인들에게 허락을 받아 스카이(헤브리디스 제도에 있음)로 항해했다. 거기서 플로라와 찰스 에드워드는 헤어졌지만, 그녀는 나중에 에드워드를 도피시킨 사실이 발각되어 런던 탑에 갇혔다.
Jacobite Risings
During the Jacobite Risings, in June 1746, at the age of 24, she was living on the island of Benbecula in the Outer Hebrides when Bonnie Prince Charlie took refuge there after the Battle of Culloden. The prince's companion, a Captain Conn O'Neill of The Feeva, County Antrim, son of Captain Conn Modera of the O'Neills of Clannaboy, sought her assistance to help the prince escape capture. They were distant relatives and had met at the home of their mutual relative, Ambrose O'Neill of Ballybollan. The island was controlled by the Hanoverian government using a local militia, but the MacDonalds were secretly sympathetic with the Jacobite cause.
After some hesitation, Flora promised to help the prince escape the island. At a later period she told the Duke of Cumberland, son of George II and commander-in-chief in Scotland, that she acted from charity and would have helped the duke himself were he in defeat and in distress.
The commander of the local militia was her stepfather, Hugh MacDonald. The commander gave her a pass to the mainland for herself, a manservant, an Irish spinning maid, Betty Burke, and a boat's crew of six men. The prince was disguised as Betty Burke. He had left Benbecula on 27 June.
After a first repulse at Waternish, Skye, the party landed at Kilbride, Skye, within easy access of Monkstadt, the seat of Sir Alexander MacDonald. The prince was hidden in rocks while Flora MacDonald found help for him in the neighbourhood. It was arranged that he be taken to Portree, Skye and from there taken to Glam on the island of Raasay. The talk of the boatmen brought suspicion on Flora MacDonald, and she was arrested and brought to London for aiding the prince's escape. After a short imprisonment in the Tower of London, she was allowed to live outside of it, under the guard of a "messenger" or gaoler. When the Act of Indemnity was passed in 1747 she was released.
On 6 November 1750, at the age of 28, she married Allan MacDonald of Kingsburgh, a captain in the army and the eldest son of Alexander MacDonald VI.[2] The couple lived at Flodigarry on the Isle of Skye where they subsequently were parents to five sons and two daughters. Upon the death of Allan MacDonald's father in 1772, the family moved into the MacDonald family estate at Kingsburgh.
Her bravery and loyalty had gained her general sympathy, increased by her good manners and gentle character. Dr Johnson, who met her in 1773, the year before she moved to America, described her as "a woman of soft features, gentle manners, kind soul and elegant presence." He also paid the tribute that is engraved on her memorial at Kilmuir:
- "...a name that will be mentioned in history, and if courage and fidelity be virtues, mentioned with honour."
그뒤 1747년 사면되어 3년 뒤에는 킹스버그 출신의 앨런 맥도널드와 결혼했으며 1774년 노스캐롤라이나로 이주했다. 앨런이 미국 독립전쟁에서 영국을 위해 싸우다가 포로로 잡히자 1779년에 혼자서 스코틀랜드로 돌아갔다가 나중에 남편을 다시 만났다.
American Revolution
In 1774, she and her husband emigrated to North Carolina.[2] During the American War of Independence Captain MacDonald served the British government in the 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants). Legend has it that she exhorted the Loyalist force at Cross Creek, North Carolina (present-day Fayetteville) that included her husband, Allan, as it headed off to its eventual defeat at
the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge in February, 1776.
He was captured after the battle and was held prisoner for two years until a prisoner exchange occurred in 1777. He was then sent to Fort Edward in Windsor, Nova Scotia where he took command
of the 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants), Second Battalion. After her husband was taken prisoner, Flora remained in hiding while the American Patriots ravaged her family plantation and took all her possessions. When her husband was released from prison during the fall of 1778,
she reunited with him at Fort Edwa.
[Isle of Skye]
In 1779 Flora returned home to Scotland in a merchant ship. During the passage, the ship was attacked by a privateer. She refused to leave the deck during the attack and was wounded in the arm.
Flora resided at the homes of various family members, including Dunvegan, her daughter Anne having married Major General Alexander Macleod.[3] After the war, in 1784, Allan also returned and the family regained possession of the estate in Kingsburgh.[2][4] Flora MacDonald had a large family of sons, who mostly entered the army or navy, and two daughters.
She died at Kingsburgh on the Isle of Skye in 1790, at the age of 68. She is buried in the Kilmuir
알렉산더 맥그리거의 〈플로라 맥도널드의 일생 Life of Flora Macdonald〉(1882)이 중판을 거듭해 출간되었다.[다음백과]
[출처;정보-책 /영문자료:위키영어백과]
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